Plant biotechnology – a developing country perspective

Brussels, Belgium
January 29, 2003

Ten representatives (1) of developing countries have come to Brussels to give their views on the opportunities and challenges of plant biotechnology in their home countries. "We are here to tell our part of the story. In Europe biotechnology seems to be more about ideology than about rational choice. For us biotech is an important tool to fight hunger and malnutrition," says Prof. James Ochanda - Coordinator Biotechnology Laboratory, University of Nairobi, Kenya and Chairman African Biotechnology Stakeholders Forum. "We do not want to be a pawn in the transatlantic trade squabble. We have our own voice and want to make our own decisions on how to use this new technology."

Current figures show that one-quarter of the global biotech acreage is grown in developing countries by resource poor farmers who make up three-quarters of the almost 6 million farmers who grew GM crops in 2002. The biotech crops that they are growing significantly improve the quality of life of these farming families. "We can attend to other things instead of having to spend all of our time in our fields," says T.J. Buthelezi, a cotton farmer from the Makhatini Flats of South Africa. "Our standard of living is very much improved and from the increased profits we have money to send our children to school."

According to the ISAAA (International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications) in 2002, Chinese farmers growing Bt cotton increased their incomes by an additional $500 (€500) per hectare, or $750 (€750) million nationally. Similar gains are recorded from South Africa, where half of farmers are women.

European governments should reflect on this growing demand for biotechnology crops in third world countries, and how that technology can offer developing world farmers another important tool in increasing domestic food production. There are strong links between EU legislation and the choices that developing countries make. "Europe seems to be inward looking when producing biotech legislation. But any rules set in Brussels will affect the small scale farmer in Africa or India," says Simon Barber, Director of the Plant Biotechnology Unit at EuropaBio.

Plant biotechnology has not been developed only for rich countries. Europe has immensely advanced research on plant biotechnology to improve yields for the benefit of small-scale farmers in the third world. Yet, this is a story that is rarely told. …..

Among the aims of the delegates to Brussels is to call on the EU to help set up a technology transfer and capacity building programme to the highest standards for developing countries. The Delegation will also be urging the EU and Members States to ensure that legislation on GMOs takes account of farmers in developing countries and does not become a trade barrier that would impede the adoption of biotech crops in developing countries.

(1) Representatives

  1. Prof. James Ochanda - Coordinator Biotechnology Laboratory, University of Nairobi, Kenya and Chairman African Biotechnology Stakeholders Forum

  2. Prof. Diran Makinde –Professor of veterinary physiology, University of Venda for Science and Technology, South Africa

  3. Prof. Jocelyn Webster, Executive Director of AfricaBio, the Biotechnology Stakeholders Association which includes industry and farmers, South Africa.

  4. Mr. S Jaipal Reddy - Federation of Farmers Associations. (FFAAP), Andhra Pradesh, India.

  5. Hon. Bintony Kutsaira – Member of Parliament, Malawi

  6. Prof. L. E. Mumba, Dean of the School of Natural Sciences, University of Zambia

  7. Mr. T.J Buthelezi – Cotton farmer from Makhathini Flats, South Africa

  8. Dr. Margarita Escaler, Global Knowledge Center on Crop Biotechnology, International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications (ISAAA)

  9. Dr Lucas Sese – Intellectual Property Management consultant, Kenya

  10. Margaret Karembu – Senior Program Officer with ISAAA, Kenya

EuropaBio has almost 40 corporate members operating worldwide and 20 national biotechnology associations representing some 1200 SMEs involved in research and development, testing, manufacturing and distribution of biotechnology products. EuropaBio, the voice of European bioindustries, aims to be a promoting force for biotechnology and to present its proposals to industry, politicians, regulators, NGOs, and the public at large.

EuropaBio news release


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