December 17, 2003
Pulse Australia
proposal for Variety Specific Agronomy Packages (VSAPs) aims to
ensure growers and the industry in general maximise the benefits
from new crop varieties, particularly improved disease
Pulse Australiašs program manager, crop support, John Slatter,
says pulse plant breeders will be releasing a number of new
varieties in most major pulse crops over the next few years.
"These varieties will have a range of new features, with most
having improved levels of disease resistance," Mr Slatter said.
"But, while therešll be significant benefits for farmers in the
improved disease resistance, often they will not involve full
resistance or immunity.
"Consequently farmers and agronomists alike need to know how to
manage the enhanced level of resistance to achieve the benefits
incorporated into new varieties by the plant breeders.
"A similar level of understanding will be required for other new
features, such as better grain quality or ease of harvest
Mr Slatter said Pulse Australia envisaged a VSAP as a one-page
summary of the key reasons for the release of a new variety,
including its strengths and weaknesses, and how it should be
managed relative to common, current varieties.
It would be readily available to all growers and agronomists and
be supplied to farmers who would be encouraged to ask for a VSAP
before buying seed of a new pulse variety.
The information in a VSAP would be based on what was available
from current breeding and supporting research activities at the
time of a new variety release, and be updated as experience and
data were accumulated after release.
Development and publication of individual VSAPs would be the
prime responsibility of breeders and marketers, and to avoid
additional costs should be considered at the initial stages of
planning promotional material for new varieties.
Pulse Australiašs role would be to assist as required in
bringing information together and extending the package to
agronomists and growers.
"The Pulse Australia crop support team has held formal and
informal discussions with industry right around the country over
the last 18 months, and is now at the stage of circulating its
final draft of the VSAP concept," Mr Slatter said.
"Earlier this year we circulated a questionnaire asking for
comment on our VSAP proposals and received replies from five
state agencies representing research and extension farmers,
private consultants, agronomists and the seed industry. All were
in favour of VSAPs."
Mr Slatter said information supplied with some new variety
releases in the past had been very good, but often it was not as
concise and open as the VSAP proposal. |