August 18, 2003
Argentina, Canada and
the U.S. have requested today the establishment of a WTO Panel
on the
EU´s approach to genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
EU Trade Commissioner Pascal Lamy said: "We have been in what we
found a rather constructive dialogue with Argentina, Canada and
the U.S. on this issue. We regret this move to an unnecessary
litigation. The EU's regulatory system for GMOs is clear,
transparent, reasonable and non-discriminatory. We are confident
that the WTO will confirm that the EU fully respects its
David Byrne, EU Commissioner for Health and Consumer Protection
stated: "Only a month ago we updated our regulatory system on
GMOs in line with the latest scientific and international
developments. Clear labelling and traceability rules are
essential to help restore consumer confidence in GMO's in
Europe.” David Byrne recalled that it is the lack of consumer
demand for GM-products that accounts for the low sales of GMOs
in the EU market. “Unless consumers see that the authorisation
process is up to date and takes into account all legitimate
concerns, consumers will continue to remain sceptical of GM
EU Commissioner for the Environment Margot Wallström added:
"There should be no doubt that it is not our intention to create
trade barriers. But my concern is that this request will muddy
the waters of the debate in Europe. We have to create confidence
among citizens for GMOs and allow them to choose - and this is
what our new legislative framework is designed to do. The EU
stance on GMOs is in line with WTO rules."
The European Union has a clear and transparent framework
(Directive 2001/18/EC, repealing Directive 90/220/EC, and
Regulation 258/97) to approve and market GMOs and GM-foods in
Europe. This involves an independent scientific assessment in
respect of impact on human, animal and plant health and the
environment before being approved for marketing. Companies
intending to market GMOs or foods derived from GMOs in the EU
must first submit an application to a Member State including a
full environmental risk assessment in the case of GMOs or a
safety assessment in the case of GM foods. The assessment is
sent to the European Commission who circulates it to all other
Member States. In case of objections the European Commission
seeks an opinion from the relevant Scientific Committee (the
European Food Safety Authority in the future) and takes then a
decision. A total of 18 GMOs(1) and a total of 15 GM foods(2)
are marketed in the EU.
Canada and the U.S. on May 13 and Argentina on May 14 this year
requested WTO consultations on the EU´s authorisation system for
GMOs and GM foods. They were notably alleging that the EU had
suspended the consideration of the applications and approval and
was maintaining a de-facto “moratorium” on new GM varieties.
This relates to the fact that since October 1998, no new GMOs
had been authorised for release into the environment under
Directive 90/220/EC as the EU's regulatory regime was being
updated to better address the challenges posed by modern
biotechnology. The new regulatory framework was adopted in March
2001 and entered into force in October 2002.
A better labelling and traceability framework for GM-food and
GM-feed was also adopted in July 2003. It aims to respond to
citizens' demands for more and better information on GMOs, and
the need to facilitate the freedom of choice between new and
more traditional agri-food products. Therefore, the EU system is
and will continue to be driven by the concern to ensure a high
level of human health protection and appropriate protection for
the environment.
A number of new applications for marketing of GMOs are at an
advanced stage of examination and may therefore be granted over
the coming months in line with EU legislation.
Development of consultations
The EU held the requested consultations with the U.S. and
Argentina on 19 June 2003 and with Canada on 25 June 2003.
Consultations are the first step in a WTO dispute settlement.
They open a dialogue process between the disputing parties and
aim at finding a positive solution to the issue at stake. In
this spirit, the EU offered to continue the process and used the
opportunity to provide further details on the regulatory
framework and the situation of all pending applications so that
any misunderstanding could be dispelled. To the EU's dismay,
upon conclusion of the consultations, the U.S. immediately
announced that the consultations had failed and that they would
request a Panel in the very short run. Further exchanges of
information took place with Canada and Argentina and it was the
EU understanding that these two countries were interested in
pursuing the consultations.
The EU remains convinced that an open dialogue in a constructive
spirit would lead to a positive solution and therefore regrets
the move to requesting a Panel.
The EU (like any WTO Member) has a legitimate right to ensure
that GMOs are only put on the market on the basis of a careful
assessment of risks and proper information to consumers. Several
WTO agreements such as the GATT 1994, the Agreement on Sanitary
and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS) and the Agreement on Technical
Barriers to Trade (TBT), and agreed standards such as the
recently adopted Codex Alimentarius Principles for the Risk
Analysis of Foods Derived from Biotechnology all recognise the
right for WTO members to take the measures at the level they
consider appropriate to protect human or animal health or the
environment. Furthermore, the Cartagena Biosafety Protocol to
the Convention on Biological Diversity recognises the
specificity of trade in biotechnology and thus the right to
treat GMOs in a cautious way.
Many countries around the world have adopted a case by case
authorisation process for GMOs and GM-foods; some are even
maintaining moratoria on growing GM-crops.
The allegation that the EU is hindering the great cause of
ending hunger in Africa is not founded. A large number of
countries suffering a shortage of food have requested main
donors of food aid to avoid GM food. As all countries, they have
the legitimate right to decide which level of protection they
need to prevent unintentional dissemination of GM seeds.
The EU policy in food emergency situation is to source food aid
to the greatest extent possible in the region to contribute to
the development of local markets and match the local consumption
habits. Food aid should be about meeting the urgent humanitarian
needs, not about promoting economic interests.
In the US itself, in a study of February 2002, the American
National Academy of Sciences also concluded that there are a
number of inadequacies in the U.S. regulation of GM plants.
Americans, by a huge margin, want genetically engineered foods
to be labelled. According to a July 2003 ABC News telephone poll
of 1,024 adults, in fact, a whopping 92 percent of Americans
support labelling.
The EU authorisation system is clear, transparent,
non-discriminatory and has already proven that it provides
access to the EU market. Many countries are looking at the EU
regulatory framework to develop their own policy.
WTO consultation and dispute settlement procedures
The first step in a WTO dispute settlement is a request for
consultation from the complaining member. The defendant has 10
days to reply to the request and shall enter into consultation
within a period of no more than 30 days (unless otherwise agreed
by the 2 parties). The consultation should aim at finding a
positive solution to the issue at stake. If the consultations
fail to settle the dispute within 60 days after the date of
receipt of the consultation request, the complaining party may
request the Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) to establish of a
Panel (however, the complaining party may request a panel during
the 60 day period if the 2 parties considers that the
consultations have failed to settle the dispute).
Once the panellist are nominated, the complaining party has
normally between 3 and 6 weeks to file its first written
submission and the party complained against another 2/3 weeks to
respond. Two oral hearings and a second written submission
follow. On average a panel procedure lasts 12 months. This can
be followed by an appeal that should not last longer than 90
days. In a case such as the one at stake here, the necessity of
hearing scientific experts may prolong the timetable.
For more information go to:
under Directive 90/220/EC
(2)Approved under Regulation 258/97 for placing on the market |