Madrid, Spain
August 6, 2003
Fundacion Antama
via AgBioWorld
More than 13 research
centres in Spain dedicate their work to issues concerning Plant
Biotechnology, mainly in Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia,
commented Jose Luis Garcia, general subdirector of Scientific
Programming, Monitoring and Documentation for the Spanish
Council for Scientific Research, the CSIC, in yesterday’s
working breakfast: The future of agricultural Biotechnology in
Spain: second-generation transgenics, organized by
Antama Foundation
in the National Natural Sciences Museum.
According to Jose Luis Garcia, “our highly qualified researchers
could make Spain a European leading force on this subject,
although in order for this to happen, we need on the one hand,
more support from the Government, and on the other hand, for the
present climate of scepticism towards genetically modified
plants, to change.”
Standing out among the investigations which are being carried
out within the framework of the Spanish Council for Scientific
Research, are those relating to the fight against viruses which
attack various species of plants, such as orchards. There are
also projects for the detection of transgenics in food, for
phyto-remediation (decontamination of heavy materials from the
ground via transgenic plants), for plants tolerant of salinity,
and there is even a study which aims to increase the quantity of
fructose in barley, for industrial purposes.
Pilar Carbonero, professor of Plant Biotechnology at the
“Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Agrónomos” (Higher
Technical School of Engineers) in Madrid, and recently named as
the first female member of the Royal Academy of Engineering,
undertook a study to analyse the role of the University in these
In her opinion, although the scientific projects are not as
consolidated in the university field as they are in the CSIC,
one of the most important projects in which the “Escuela de
Ingenieros Agrónomos” participates, is the creation of the
Institute of Biotechnology and Genomics of Plants, a project
which relies on the support of the National Institute of
Agricultural Research (INIA) and the autonomous region of
However, although formal discussions were initiated last year to
carry out this project, “at present, the project is on hold due
to a lack of finance and the social climate of uncertainty which
exists right now”, stated Pilar Carbonero.
Regarding the passing of the new Regulation on labelling of
GMOs, approved by the European Parliament last week, Carbonero
indicated that “it is always good news, although the conditions
imposed on companies are unfair and difficult to fulfill.”
Jose Luis Garcia also stated his opinion on the matter,
commenting that “with this Regulation, countries which have
declared themselves in favour of the moratorium have lost their
final excuse and will have to make their position clear from now
on. However, this measure is highly complex and we are yet to
see whether or not the final product will increase in price.”
With regard to the agricultural dichotomy between GMOs and
organic agriculture, Jose Luis Garcia commented that all this
has to do with a false opposing argument, expounded by those
groups most critical to Biotechnology, since he believes that
“transgenic plants are the most organic because they do not
require the use of pesticides and in the not too distant future,
there will be plants which consume much less water.” |