Cellectis and Limagrain Group announce an agreement

April 9, 2003

Cellectis SA, a spin-off from the Pasteur Institute, specialized in rational genome engineering, today announced that the company has entered into an agreement with Limagrain Group, 4th seed business company in the world. The agreement includes an option for a non-exclusive worldwide commercial license for the use of the MRS technology, owned by Cellectis. This technology is based on the use of the Meganuclease I-SceI, a very rare and highly specific restriction endonuclease, for the induction of homologous recombination and site directed insertion or deletion of gene(s) of interest.

The contract concerns the major crops, field crops as well as vegetables. Through this agreement, Biogemma, common subsidiary of Limagrain and other seed and agricultural and financial business organizations will be entitled to use the technology. "We wish to apply Cellectis’ technology to develop even more accurate plant breeding tools" insists Michel Debrand, CEO of Biogemma.

"We believe that the applications of our Meganuclease Recombination System will be fundamental in Agriculture, where precise and rational genome engineering are the necessary trends", says Dr. André Choulika, President & CEO of Cellectis, "especially as our technology offers specific advantages over other site-specific systems ". And concludes "We are very pleased with this new deal in the Plant Biotech domain with the European leader of the seed industry".

Limagrain is an independent co-operative group, owned by Farmers, and employing 5,200 people from over 40 different nationalities. Limagrain, with a turnover of 1 billion euro, is the 4th seed business company, with a European lead in Field crops and vegetables. 12% of its turnover is dedicated to Research. Limagrain invests heavily in plant biotechnology through an active partnerships policy.

Biogemma SAS is a European company specialized in plant biotechnology research, created and financed by agricultural and financial business companies. Biogemma regroups specialists of plant breeding and organizations sustaining downstream agro-industrial activities, the co-operative groups Limagrain, Euralis and RAGT, and the financial corporations Sofiproteol and Unigrains. Through 4 main research centers in France and Europe, Biogemma employs more than 100 people. Biogemma has developed partnerships with the public research through the genomic research programme Genoplante from the beginning in 1999.

Cellectis SA was founded in 1999, as a spin-off from the Pasteur Institute. It is the first company to apply the Meganuclease Recombination System approach to in vivo genome engineering. Cellectis is focused on the research and development of novel Meganucleases for genome intervention and provides tools for in vivo site directed recombination. The company is developing Meganucleases that can target a unique DNA break in vivo, as a fundamentally enabling technology for commercial applications in human therapeutics, pharmaceutical discovery, agriculture and industrial biotechnology. Cellectis’ team today consists of 36 people including 14 PhDs and the total invested capital since the company’s inception is approximately EUR 20 million.

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