April 4, 2003
America’s Alfalfa
announces that it has filed for a patent for the industry’s
first manure-tolerant alfalfa genetics.
The patent application is supported by independent USDA-ARS
research data showing that alfalfa genetics developed by
America’s Alfalfa produce bigger yields and greater stand life
than conventional varieties under midseason manure applications.
Two-year testing conducted by the USDA – Agricultural Research
Service at Waseca, Minnesota, show AmeriStand 403T averaged 14
percent more yield and 18 percent better stand persistence under
midseason manure application than genetics from other widely
planted brands. This unique trait should aid growers with their
manure management plans, increase manure disposal flexibility
and offers them a unique opportunity to generate new farm
Jim Moutray, Ph.D., research director at America’s Alfalfa,
reports that Traffic Tested™ AmeriStand 403T, a 4 dormancy
variety, is the first release in a line of varieties that will
feature manure tolerance.
Dr. Moutray says, “Data from these tests show there is a clear
connection between traffic tested varieties and manure
tolerance. We believe our 11-year selection process for the
larger roots and crowns that set AmeriStand 403T apart from
conventional varieties is key to better manure tolerance.”
The discovery of manure-tolerant alfalfa genetics began in 1991,
when Moutray set out to breed a new type of alfalfa plant that
could withstand the punishing effects of intense traffic and
abusive grazing.
Over the next decade, he evaluated the health, yields, regrowth
and persistence of thousands of plants in replicated plots that
were subjected to heavy traffic and frequent animal defecation
and urination.
Results from a three-year “Yield Under Traffic” study at the
University of Wisconsin have shown that AmeriStand 403T averaged
.77 ton more annual yield per acre than the average of widely
planted conventional varieties. Similar testing and results were
found across six other independent University trials. Now the
results of independent manure tolerance trials also show that
these genetics also stand up to midseason applications of manure
with improved yields and better stand life than conventional
The discovery of the industry’s first manure-tolerant alfalfa is
the latest in a long line of accomplishments at America’s
Alfalfa. Over the past 40 years, America’s Alfalfa researchers
have also developed the first and only Traffic Tested™ alfalfa;
the first commercial varieties with high levels of seedling
resistance to Phytophthora and Aphanomyces, and the only alfalfa
with proven resistance to Phoma crown rot. America’s Alfalfa has
also introduced the only patented salt-tolerant varieties that
thrive in salty soils; the first commercial varieties with true
Lesion Nematode resistance; and the first true, dual-purpose
haying and grazing varieties.