European Commission - DG Joint Research Centre publishes 5 new summary notifications of deliberate release into the environment of GMOs for any other purposes than placing on the market

March 31, 2003

European Commission - DG Joint Research Centre
Institute for Health and Consumer Protection
Biotechnology and GMOs Unit

Part B Summary Notifications B/FR/03/02/06, B/FR/03/03/02, B/FR/03/03/03, B/FR/03/03/04 and
B/FR/03/03/05 have been published today.

Notification number State Publication Name of the Institutes or Companies Project title
B/FR/03/03/02 France 31/03/2003 Groupe d'étude et de contrôle des variétés et des semences (GEVES) Experérimention de variétés de maïs génétiquement modifiées dans le cadre des épreuves d'insciption au Cataloque Officiel.
B/FR/03/03/03 France 31/03/2003 Syngenta Seeds SA Insect resistant maize - Event MIR604 - France 2003-2004
B/FR/03/03/04 France 31/03/2003 Biogemma Field experimentation of a genetically modified corn with improved photosynthesis performances under drought condition
B/FR/03/03/05 France 31/03/2003 Biogemma Field experiment of corn genetically modified for the lignin biosynthesis pathway
B/FR/03/02/06 France 31/03/2003 Syngenta Seeds SA Insect resistant maize - Event 3243M - France 2003-2004

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