Alfalfa performance data available online

Ames, Iowa
October 1, 2002

Results of the 2002 Iowa Crop Performance Test for alfalfa are now available on the Internet. The
Web site is

The alfalfa test included approximately 60 entries of commercial and experimental varieties conducted at Ames and Nashua. Additionally, a leafhopper tolerance trial was conducted at Ames. Performance data provided with the results include yield in tons per acre, fall dormancy ratings, disease resistances and grazing tolerance. The 2002 trials experienced no winterkill. Average yields were five to seven tons per acre on a dry matter basis.

The alfalfa test is coordinated by the Iowa Crop Improvement Association (ICIA), headquartered in Iowa State University's Department of Agronomy.

The ICIA's crop performance testing program is a cooperative effort with the Iowa Agriculture and Home
Economics Experiment Station at ISU and ISU Extension. The program offers unbiased, third-party information to Iowa growers on commercial seed available for them to grow. Information on the adaptation and performance of hybrids and varieties is currently offered for alfalfa, barley, corn, oat, soybean and wheat.

Iowa State University news release

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