After crashing from 500,000 to 300,000 hectares in the past
two years, Western Australia’s canola industry is moving forward
again as new, locally developed varieties, which promise black
leg resistance and drought tolerance, enter the commercial
testing phase.
Local growers would flock to locally adapted varieties able
to withstand yield punishing drought and crippling blackleg
constraints to capitalise on booming prices, which this year
comfortably passed $400 per tonne.
"Limited genetic diversity has made canola a real challenge
for plant breeders, because it restricts the potential to build
resistance against diseases such as blackleg, or improve
adaptation to new environments such as Western Australia,"
Canola Breeders Western Australia (CBWA) Principal Research
Scientist, Wallace Cowling, said.
However, research backed by the
Council of Grain Grower
Organisations (COGGO) in association with the Australian
Research Council at the University of Western Australia (UWA)
has improved canola’s genetic variability to provide new hope.
"Canola was bred from Brassica napus, or oilseed rape,
which originally occurred after a rare natural hybridization
between the turnip and cabbage families, to produce a specific
and relatively isolated genotype," Associate Professor Cowling
"Like an only child, B.napus developed as an
‘agricultural orphan’ in Europe in the past 500 years, with few
close natural donors to receive disease resistances from."
To compound its genetic loneliness, B.napus was
refined through a narrow selection process 30-40 years ago to
produce canola quality oil. Future canola breeding progress has
depended on overcoming the crop’s ‘agricultural orphan’ status.
However, canola was so different from its nearest relatives
that crosses generally transferred many unwanted genes from
undomesticated varieties.
"B.juncea (Indian mustard), with excellent blackleg
resistance and heartiness in dry conditions, offered the
greatest promise to canola breeders. But to return canola oil
quality to a B.napus/B.juncea cross plant, further
backcrossing back to the B.napus plant were needed. This
diluted out the B. juncea qualities sought for improving
canola," Associate Professor Cowling explained.
"As a result, little use has been made of the valuable Indian
mustard species in improving B. napus canola."
In a recent development, B.juncea was bred for canola
quality oil and so the COGGO supported project revisited the
B.juncea/B.napus cross using the newly developed B.juncea
as the pollen donor.
UWA researcher, Dr Janet Wroth, and PhD student, Chris
Schelfhout, have monitored these crosses and selected for better
seed qualities. In field trials at Merredin and Shenton Park
Research Station, they tested for oil quality, drought tolerance
and pod shatter and blackleg resistance.
These crosses have unleashed huge genetic variation for
blackleg resistance and adaptation to drought, while some of the
descendants have larger seeds and higher seed oil and protein
content than current commercial canola varieties. Significantly,
most of the progeny were canola-quality, which goes a long way
towards overcoming the agricultural orphan status of today’s
CBWA has been licensed by UWA to test the progeny for
potential release as new varieties and to cross the new genes
into CBWA commercial canola types.