International collaborations underpinning the race to plot
the first legume genome, Medicago truncatula (also known
as Barrel medic), were reinforced during a recent workshop at
Rottnest Island.
The Medicago truncatula sequence will provide a
framework for legume genetics to help researchers carve years
off breeding programs and deliver superior varieties to drive,
for example, Australia’s $600 million pulse industry.
It also paves the way to a knowledge-based approach to
produce better legumes.
Officially opening the workshop to an audience of 75
delegates, including key researchers from the United States and
European Union, Chairman of Western Australia’s State
Agricultural Biotechnology Centre (SABC) management committee
and former Western Australian Minister for Commerce and Trade,
Hendy Cowan, welcomed the co-operative effort.
"Globally, research is in progress to sequence all the
genetic information in Medicago truncatula and to compare
it with other legumes to understand how they work on a genetic
level. By applying that knowledge, improvements in crop grain
and forage legumes will occur more rapidly than if working in
isolation on individual crops."
The Medicago truncatula sequence, which should be
complete by 2004, could help inform research into any of the
16,000 known legume species.
Initial goals for legume improvement include pest and disease
resistance, greater nitrogen fixation, enhanced animal and human
nutrition and better plant stature to facilitate efficient
harvesting using conventional cereal harvesters.