Savia reports final year end results for 2001

Monterrey, Mexico
May 3, 2002


  • Savia focused during fiscal year 2001 on the restructuring of its operations. The company divested from Seguros Comercial America and Empaques Ponderosa subsidiaries. The proceeds from these transactions were applied to the prepayment of bank debt in the amount
    of almost one billion Dollars.
  • The restructuring process involved the implementation of a series of initiatives focused on the optimization of its subsidiaries, which resulted not only in major reductions in costs and expenses, but also in increased efficiencies. These initiatives also required non-recurrent extraordinary expenses as reported during the period.
  • Savia achieved a positive operating cash flow of 28 million Dollars for fiscal 2001, without considering extraordinary expenses by Seminis. This improvement is the result of a reduction in its operating expenses of 71 million Dollars (18%) and in costs of 78 million Dollars (15%).
    Considering extraordinary expenses, the operating cash flow had a negative outcome of 33
    million Dollars, which represents a reduction of 33 million Dollars (50%) as compared to fiscal
  • Seminis achieved a positive cash flow from operations of 67 million Dollars for fiscal 2001, without considering extraordinary expenses generated by the Global Optimization and Restructuring Plan. Considering these expenses the company reported an improvement in its
    cash flow from operations of 13 million Dollars (245%) and reported cash flow from operations of 8 million Dollars. This improvement is the result of a reduction in costs and operating expenses.
  •  Seminis reduced its bank debt by 42 million Dollars with resources generated by its own operation and the sale of non-strategic assets.
  • Bionova reported sales of 205 million Dollars, 11% less, compared to that reported in fiscal 2000, an operating loss of 9 million Dollars, 64% lower as compared to the same period last year.

Savia, S.A. de C.V. (NYSE: VAI) (BMV: SAVIA) announced today results for fiscal 2001.

Main Business Indicators
(Millions of Dollars as of December 2001)

  Jan - Dec 2001 Jan - Dec 2000 Variation
Sales 702 813 (111)
Gross Profit 261 294 (33)
Gross Profit 37% 36% --
Operating Expenses  320  390  70
Operating Income (59) (96) 37
Cash Flow (33) (67) 34
Non considering extraordinary expenses
Operating Income 2 (27) 29
Cash Flow 27 3 24


Net Consolidated Sales

Net consolidated sales reached 702 million Dollars, a reduction of 14% compared with the same period last year. The reduction is a result of lower sales in the Agro business division and the sale of non-strategic assets in Savia. Foreign currency denominated sales for the period accounted for 93% of total sales.

Consolidated Operating Income

Consolidated operating income for fiscal 2001 reached 2 million Dollars, without considering extraordinary expenses by Seminis. When considering these extraordinary expenses, consolidated operating income for fiscal 2001 reflected a loss of 59 million Dollars, 37 million Dollars (39%) lower than the loss reported in fiscal 2000. This improvement is the result of a reduction in operating expenses by 18% and in the cost of sales by 15%. The operating cash flow recovered 33 million
Dollars (50%) and reported a negative cash flow of 33 million Dollars for fiscal 2001.

Net Consolidated Income

Net consolidated loss for this period reported 391 million Dollars, 82 million Dollars (17%) lower than the reported loss for fiscal 2000. This result shows a relevant step in the recovery of profitability in the business. The majority loss reported 293 million Dollars, a reduction of 47 million Dollars (14%) as compared to fiscal 2000.



The total sales for fiscal 2001 reached 448 million Dollars, a figure similar to that reported for fiscal 2000, when excluding the effect of discontinued operations and exchange rate. When considering extraordinary expenses, sales showed a decrease of 8%.

The operating expenses were reduced by 15% and reported 228 million Dollars for fiscal 2001. The operating loss reached 9 million Dollars, amount that reflects an improvement of 64% when compared to fiscal year 2000. Cash flow from operations for fiscal 2001 was 8 million Dollars, an improvement by 245% in comparison to fiscal 2000. The initiatives implemented after September 2000 kept improving business results.


The Bionova sales were 205 million Dollars, which represented a decrease of 11% in comparison to sales reported during fiscal 2000. The operating loss was 9 million Dollars in comparison with a loss of 24 million Dollars during the same period last year, a reduction of 15 million Dollars (64%). During fiscal 2001 the company sold non-strategic assets that included Tanimura Distributing and Interfruver de Mexico.


In the accumulated results reported by Savia for its fiscal year 2001, a 48 million Dollar reserve, regarding deferred taxes for Seminis subsidiary was included. Of the 48 million Dollar reserve, 42 million Dollars were charged retractably in June 2001 and the other 6 million Dollars were charged in September 2001. This amount was not reported by Seminis in its previous results.

These reserves are provisions made at the value that reflects fiscal losses carried forward in countries where Seminis operates, mainly in the United States of America and Netherlands. These reserves were accounted by a methodology of deferred taxes that takes into account the fiscal results achieved in the prior three years in each country where the company operates. This reserve does not imply cash out flow and it does not diminish the true value of fiscal losses carried forward and the opportunity of realizing these losses in the future.

Savia participates in industries that offer high growth potential in Mexico and internationally. Among its main subsidiaries are: Seminis a global leader in the development, production and commercialization of fruit and vegetable seeds, Bionova, a company focused on plant science for the development and improvement of fruit and vegetable seeds; and Omega, a real estate development company.

Savia's financial statements are prepared in compliance with generally accepted accounting principles in Mexico. For the consolidation of domestic subsidiaries, Savia follows the guidelines set forth in bulletin B-10 and for foreign companies follows the guidelines set forth in bulletin B-15. Seminis and Bionova report following the generally accepted accounting principles of Mexico. These results are adjusted to reflect the above-mentioned guidelines. In addition, Seminis reports its fiscal year the first quarter of October through the last of September. Savia reports its fiscal year on a calendar basis,
including in its consolidated results the operations of Seminis according to calendar year.

Company news release


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