May 3, 2002
The performance of more than 500
field and grain crop varieties at 1,200 test sites and 5,000
trials across Australia has been captured on CD ROM now
available free to farmers and others in the grains
This initiative, labelled
'Variety Selectorą, has been developed by the
Australian Crop Accreditation
System, a national voluntary system designed to provide
quality information on the performance of grain varieties.
By using the CD ROM farmers and
others can see how varieties perform in conditions and locations
similar to their own and relative to other varieties. Previously
this type of information has been State-specific and often only
available in hard copy.
For details on Variety Selector,
an initiative supported by the Grains Research and Development
Corporation and other grains industry organisations, check the
website at
or fax your request for a CD ROM to Span Communication at (03)
9328 5302.