Mark Westgate knows his research won't earn him a spot on the
"Amazing Discoveries" television program. It doesn't have flash
and pizzazz. But the way he sees it, slow and steady wins the
"Sometimes it's a tough sell," says Westgate, a plant
physiologist in Iowa State
University's agronomy department. "Sometimes it's difficult
to see the short-term benefits that can accrue from the
long-term, basic research we are doing."
But Westgate is a firm believer his basic research will pay
dividends to soybean growers.
The term "basic research" refers to studies aimed at
understanding mechanisms and underlying causes, rather than
prescribing a quick solution to a problem. To the non-scientist,
however, Westgate's work seems anything but basic. He uses
sophisticated scientific equipment and state-of-the-art
technologies to gain a greater understanding of the factors that
determine the composition of soybean seeds.
"Soybean seed composition is important because it affects the
market price paid to producers," Westgate says. "And it will
become even more important as the soybean market evolves into a
system based on seed component values."
Westgate says an integrated effort on several fronts is the key
to increasing the value of soybeans by modifying seed
composition. To that end, he has several research projects
underway, with the largest funded the past two years by the Iowa
Soybean Promotion Board (ISPB).
The project has three objectives, and progress has been made on
all three.
The first focuses on determining how seed protein, oil and
starch content respond to changing environmental conditions. "We
have learned that the response to temperature and nitrogen
supply are primarily seed-determined characteristics - that is,
controlled by gene activity within the seeds," Westgate says.
The second objective is identifying important genes that control
variation in seed composition. This involves profiling the
expression of seed genes during seed development. Westgate and
his colleagues at Iowa State expect to have gathered this key
information by mid-summer.
The third objective is aimed at modifying the genes in soybeans.
"This involves adding unique genes from another plant, animal or
microbe," Westgate says. "Our research team has selected a group
of genes involved in protein and oil synthesis and inserted them
into soybean plants at ISU's Plant Transformation Facility. Now
we're watching to see if the plants accept these genes and if
they work in their new genetic environment."
Westgate's other research projects on soybean seed composition
complement the ISPB-funded project. One is a collaborative
breeding project with the University of Minnesota. "We've
developed soybean lines that share 94 percent of the same genes,
but differ in seed protein by about 10 percent," Westgate says.
"Because the genetic differences have been narrowed that much,
they are ideal for identifying the genes that control
A project funded by ISU's Plant Sciences Institute is applying
chemical engineering technology to map the process by which
sugar is transformed into protein in the soybean seed.
Additional funding for this and other projects comes from Iowa
State's agronomy department.
Historically, increasing yields has been the biggest concern of
soybean growers. And Westgate's research doesn't leave yields
out of the picture.
He's involved in the Yields Project, a multistate research
program funded by Iowa and Illinois checkoff dollars through the
Soybean Research and Development Council. The Yields Project is
one of the largest soybean research projects ever undertaken to
understand factors that limit soybean yields.
"The accumulation of proteins, oil and carbohydrates within the
seed ultimately determines grain yield. We're collecting
composition data on all the Yields Project plots," Westgate
says. "This database will help us sort out how various stresses
affect yield and seed composition."
Westgate is confident his research will someday uncover what
genes are responsible for different seed components, and that
these genes will be bred into new varieties. But until then,
producers who want to capture some of the price benefits of
specialty soybeans must pay attention to these traits in
varieties currently available.
"We know variation in seed composition is primarily a
genetically-determined characteristic. So variety selection is
important if a grower contracts to deliver soybeans with a
special component," Westgate says.
Mark Westgate, Agronomy, (515) 294-9654
Susan Thompson, Agriculture Communications, (515) 294-0705
Iowa State University
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