June 25, 2002
A majority of Europeans want to
see a change in the way the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)
supports the EU farmers. According to the latest Eurobarometer
opinion poll, more than 60% of EU citizens see a shift of farm
subsidies from production to directly supporting farmers and the
rural areas as "a very good" or "fairly good" thing. Support
among those questioned for direct support to farmers was on
average 62%, up 6% compared to the last Eurobarometer poll of
mid-2001. The survey also shows that citizens want the EU farm
policy to ensure that agricultural products are healthy and
safe. According to the poll, for EU citizens the priority of the
CAP should be to ensure that agricultural products are healthy
and safe, promote the respect of the environment, protect medium
or small sized farms and help farmers to adapt their production
to consumer expectations.
The confidence of EU citizens in the CAP's ability to deliver
safe agricultural produce has also recovered. There was an
increase - from 37% (2001) to 42% - in the number of respondents
who felt
that the CAP ensured that agricultural produce was safe to eat.
This is seen as the area in which the CAP best fulfils its
Lack of information continues to be a problem -'Don't know'
answers ranged from 24 - 35%. Only 20% of respondents, for
example, felt that they had enough information on how food is
produced and treated.
Those surveyed were strongly in favour of the following farm
policy objectives listed in the survey:
- To ensure that agricultural
products are healthy and safe: 90%
- To promote the respect of the
environment: 88%
- To protect medium or small
sized farms: 81%
- To help farmers to adapt their
production to consumer expectations: 80%
- To favour and improve life in
the countryside 77%
- To make European agriculture
more competitive on world markets: 77%
- To ensure stable and adequate
incomes for farmers: 77%
- To encourage the
diversification of agricultural products and activities: 73%
- To favour methods of
organic production: 72%
- To protect the taste of
European agricultural products: 73%
- To protect the specificity of
European agricultural products: 73%
- To reduce development
disparities between regions: 72%
- To defend farmers' interests
in their dealings with intermediaries and distributors: 71%
When asked how well they thought
the CAP met its objectives, the satisfaction levels ranged from
41% (To ensure that agricultural products are healthy and safe)
to 25% (To defend farmers' interests in their dealings with
intermediaries and distributors).
This survey was put to 16041 people in the 15 Member States.