Bulk commodity, logistics and trade facilitation group,
Grainco Australia and
agribusiness group Elders
announced today the merger of their respective seed businesses
following their joint acquisition of the seed division of SGB
Australia from Wesfarmers Landmark.
The new company, PlantTech Pty Ltd will become the largest
broadacre and pasture seed company in Australia.
Grainco Australia Chief Executive, Mr Dave Woodall said the
acquisition of SGB and the merger of Grainco Australia Seeds Pty
Ltd and Elders’ Paramount Seeds was good news for the
agriculture sector.
“By combining the two companies we will be able to offer a
truly national presence, better compete globally and achieve
economies of scale that we could not have achieved on our own,”
Mr Woodall said.
Mr Woodall said Paramount Seeds had a strong presence in
Western Australia and South Australia while Grainco Australia
Seeds had performed well in Queensland and northern NSW. He said
the acquisition of SGB’s seed division would allow the new
company to extend its market reach into southern NSW and
“The acquisition and merger will enable both parent companies
to extract maximum value from the supply chain and meet
customers’ increasing needs for tightly specified inputs to the
food chain.”
Mr Woodall said the merger was consistent with Grainco
Australia’s vision to build a truly world-class, geographically
diversified bulk commodity, logistics and trade facilitation
group that delivered superior customer service and created
improved value for its shareholders.
“We have long maintained that the success of Grainco
Australia’s group of companies will be achieved by adopting a
managing influence from farm to port or domestic customer, via
partnering with the best.”
Elders Managing Director, Mr Greg Hunt welcomed the merger
with Grainco Australia Seeds and the appointment of Mr David
Messina as General Manager of PlantTech.
“PlantTech is well positioned to supply grower customers with
the best agronomically effective and commercially viable seeds
and to continue to reinvest in research and the development of
improved varieties,” Mr Hunt said.
“The establishment of PlantTech will ensure that Australian
growers continue to receive the quality product they have come
to expect from each of our companies.”
Wesfarmers Landmark Managing Director, Mr Richard Goyder said
the sale of SGB’s seed operations was a major step in the
rationalisation occurring within the Australian grains industry
as companies pursued the economies of scale critical to
successfully competing with much larger global companies.
“Ensuring that our customers have continued access to high
quality seed products through the Wesfarmers Landmark branch
network was an important feature of the sale negotiations,” Mr
Goyder said.