Delta and Pine Land Company announces second-generation transgenic stripper cotton varieties for 2002

Atlanta, Georgia
January 9, 2002

New varieties bring increased potential in yields, economic benefits

Delta and Pine Land Company (D&PL) is introducing three new high-yielding, second-generation transgenic stripper cotton varieties for the Texas High Plains: PM 2167 RR, PM 2266 RR and PM 2344
BG/RR. PM 2167 RR and PM 2344 BG/RR will be commercially available for the 2002 growing season, while PM 2266 RR will be available only in limited quantities. The announcement was made at the New Developments in Industry Session of the 2002 Beltwide Cotton Conferences in Atlanta.

"New diverse germplasm is the lifeblood of breeding operations," said Tom Speed, regional agronomist for D&PL. "Both of the new Roundup Ready® varieties, PM 2167 RR and PM 2266 RR, have novel germplasm and were bred specifically for the Texas High Plains. They are improved, second-generation varieties that have the potential to put more money in the pockets of farmers." Delta and Pine Land commercially introduced Roundup Ready stripper varieties to the High Plains in 1997.

"Our new improved, second-generation stacked product, PM 2344 BG/RR, is widely adapted and has shown increased average yield and fiber length when compared to PM 2326 RR during the past two years of testing," said Speed. "We believe High Plains farmers will especially like the economic benefits this variety offers." Paymaster introduced the first Bollgard® and Roundup Ready "stacked" stripper varieties to the Texas High Plains in 1999.

PM 2167 RR
The key features for this early-season, high-yielding, Roundup Ready stripper variety are its novel, diverse genetic background, tolerance to Bacterial Blight, less hair than PM 2145 RR and more stormproofness then PM 2156. Its fiber qualities are similar to PM 2156 RR and PM 2145 RR, while its maturity is similar to PM 2156 RR. Yield consistency or stability has shown to be excellent. Yield data from 2000 and 2001 have shown this variety produced more lint per acre than PM 2156 RR, PM
2145 RR, PM 2326 RR and PM 2200 RR. The intended market of adaptation is the northern High Plains, where a very-early season variety is needed. It is also a potential early-maturing variety for late-season re-plant situations. Seed supplies are expected to be limited for the 2002 growing season.

PM 2266 RR
This new high-yielding, medium maturity, semi-smooth leaf stripper variety features novel germplasm, increased fiber length and a wide area of adaptation for the Texas High Plains. Yield consistency or stability has shown to be excellent. D&PL and university yield research averaged across 32 trials in 2000 and 2001 shows PM 2266 RR outyielded PM 2326 RR and PM 2200 RR by 1.2 percent and 11.5
percent, respectively. It has averaged slightly longer fiber than PM 2326 RR and similar fiber length as PM 2200 RR. It has consistently provided a much better fiber package than PM 2145 RR or PM 2156 RR over the past two years. The intended market of adaptation is the northern and southern High Plains of Texas. Seed supplies are expected to be very limited for the 2002 growing season.

PM 2344 BG/RR
This new Bollgard and Roundup Ready "stacked" stripper variety features high yields, medium maturity, very good storm resistance, a wide area of adaptation that performs well in both the northern and southern High Plains environment, and has averaged a longer staple length than PM 2326 BG/RR. It has been widely tested in public and company field trials over the last two years on the Texas High Plains. This variety has shown stable yield consistency, an overall 2.1 percent yield advantage over PM 2326 BG/RR, and a 3.8 percent yield advantage over PM 2280 BG/RR. Yield comparisons in the northern High Plains were even more impressive, with a 3.3 percent average advantage over PM 2326 BG/RR and a 5.8 percent average advantage over PM 2280 BG/RR. Overall, PM 2344 BG/RR averaged a 0.6 staple unit longer than PM 2326 BG/RR, with a 0.8 percent average advantage in the northern High Plains. This variety has very good resistance to Fusarium and good resistance to Verticillium, but is susceptible to Bacterial Blight.

For more information, see 2002 Final Beltwide Presentations on the Delta and Pine Land Company's website.

Delta and Pine Land Company is a commercial breeder, producer and marketer of cotton planting seed, as well as soybean seed in the Cotton Belt. For more than 80 years, the Mississippi-based company has used its extensive plant breeding programs drawing from a diverse germplasm base to develop superior varieties. Delta and Pine Land (NYSE: DLP) has offices in eight states and facilities in several foreign countries.

Company news release


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