Iowa Seed Directory offers quality choices to gardeners and farmers

Ames, Iowa
February 13, 2002

Are you looking for a listing of quality seeds for 2002? The Iowa Seed Directory is a resource that helps
farmers and gardeners find seeds of native prairie species, oats, soybeans and other crops.

The Iowa Seed Directory is published annually by the Iowa Crop Improvement Association (ICIA) and contains seed production information from more than 100 members. ICIA members range from farmer-owned seed enterprises to multi-national companies. Members produce seeds for planting barley, corn, native prairie species, oats, soybeans and wheat. The directory lists members whose fields were inspected during the 2001 season to assure seed quality and genetic purity.

The newest addition to the Iowa Seed Directory provides a listing of native prairie species. Seed production has been Source Identified by ICIA, which means that the seed's collection source has been certified for the assurance of the customer. This assurance is important because many native prairie plants and seeds on the market do not guarantee place of origin. Seeds labeled with a Source Identified yellow label, indicate geographic origin and area of adaptation.

The association also encourages consumers to request analysis information when making any seed purchase. The seller should provide customers with documentation of seed germination, varietal purity and any presence of weed species. This information assures the buyer that they are purchasing quality seed.

The seed directories are free and available by contacting the association at 515-294-6921 or

Iowa State news release


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