West Salem, Wisconsin
December 30, 2002
The quest for superior yield has
lead Cal/West Seeds,
one of the world's top forage breeding firms, to a unique family
of tall, fast-growing alfalfas with improved standability and
faster recovery after harvest. The improved standability helps
reduce field loss and the faster recovery after harvest
contributes to maximum net yield each season. Alfalfas carrying
these enhanced performance traits will be identified as
StandFastTM alfalfas in the marketplace and are available from
local seed dealers for Spring 2003 planting.
While many of today's alfalfas
may tout standability and fast recovery, the StandFast
alfalfas are the only commercially available U.S. alfalfas
scientifically rated for the two traits.
Most alfalfas are described as having fast recovery since
the characteristic is so closely associated with high yield.
The alfalfas with the StandFast traits recover 10-30% faster
than currently available dormant alfalfas. This measured
faster recovery can add up to an extra 6-inches of growth
during the first 21 days after harvest. The result is a crop
that's ready for harvest 3-5 days ahead of today's fastest
growing commercial alfalfas which translates to more net
yield each season. |
Ten days after
harvest, the StandFast alfalfa on the left has a regrowth
advantage and will be ready for harvest 3-5 days sooner than
the alfalfa on the right. |
According to Dr. Dan Undersander,
Forage Agronomist, University of Wisconsin in Madison, "Lodging
causes great losses to farmers because it increases mowing time
and results in both yield and quality losses." Traditional
alfalfas stand just fine to the pre-bud or early-bud stage,
while alfalfas with the StandFast traits offer improved
standability to late flower. An unharvested 7-inch stubble
versus a 2-inch clean cut can reduce yield up to a third. An
important feature when harvest is delayed.
Stem size and cell wall
digestibility of the StandFast alfalfas is similar to
today's top selling alfalfas. When forage quality is
measured as pounds of milk per ton of fed forage, StandFast
alfalfas equal or exceed the industry forage quality check
in side-by-side tests. These alfalfas are bred for
aggressive harvest systems and carry a multiple pest package
and winter survival scores which contribute to a significant
yield advantage during the later hay years.
The alfalfas carrying the StandFast traits will be available
nationally for Spring 2003. Growers should contact their
local seed dealers for more information and product
availability. |
Stubble left
in the field is lost yield. |