Ovation alfalfa upgrades Fontanelle Hybrids line up

Fontanelle, Nebraska
December 5, 2002

Ovation alfalfa with Standfast™ technology is the newest product addition for Fontanelle Hybrids, Fontanelle, Nebraska. "We’ve been looking at a number of products to upgrade the alfalfa’s we offer," Steve Pike, sales manager said. "With Ovation, we knew we’d found what we were looking for because of its potential to maximize yields and quality for our customers."

Fontanelle is one of just a few companies authorized to offer the new Standfast technology. "The StandFast technology is unique to our marketing area," Pike said. "In Ovation, the technology offers improved standability and a faster recovery. To the farmer better standability means better yields and better quality, plus the faster recovery means the potential for an additional cutting during the season."

Because of the faster recovery, the cutting interval with Ovation can be reduced by as much as three to five days. This shorter interval between cuttings and the fact that Ovation can, and should, be cut at pre-bud stage rather than the normal 1/10 bloom stage means that producers could get an extra cutting during the season. "Other alfalfas may claim faster recovery, but Ovation has proven results of its fastest recovery time," Pike said.

Ovation with the StandFast trait is a product of conventional breeding and is not a GMO.

Ovation joins Journey 204 as the premium alfalfas in Fontanelle’s line up. "Both of these products are one-of-a-kind in our geography," Pike said. "Ovation with the StandFast trait and Journey 204 because it’s a hybrid alfalfa. We tell our customers that we strive to offer them the best products available. These two products are cutting edge examples of that continuing commitment to be a trusted seed partner for our customers."

Fontanelle Hybrids is a 67 year old employee-owned seed company marketing corn, soybeans, grain sorghum, alfalfa and sunflowers in Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, Colorado, Missouri and portions of Illinois, Minnesota, South Dakota and Texas. Fontanelle Hybrids is one of the five owners and members of the Core Group that markets value added products under the High Cycle® Seed Systems brand of products.

High Cycle is a registered trademark of the CORE Group.

Company news release


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