GeneTrace Systems, Inc. |
Founded in 1994 as a spin-off of SRI
International, GeneTrace Systems, Inc. is a
privately held company integrating genomic and proteomic tools with bioinformatic systems
to accelerate the discovery and development of novel therapeutic targets and drugs, and
agricultural products.
The company's core technology platforms include: genotyping through the
characterization of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and microsatellites;
high-throughput gene expression screening of chemical compound-treated cells; the analysis
of gene expression patterns for target discovery; and systems for proteomics analysis.
GeneTrace has entered into an exclusive alliance with Monsanto Company for
agricultural applications of its technology; the two companies have an ongoing
collaboration initially focused on genotyping selected plants and animals. GeneTrace is
actively seeking drug and target discovery collaborations with pharmaceutical,
biotechnology and genomics companies. |