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International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM)
August 09

The UK Food Standards Agency (FSA) report on the health benefits of organic versus conventional food

June 09

Announcement of the 1st International IFOAM Conference on Organic Animal and Plant Breeding

March 09

International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) selects Executive Director

February 09

IFOAM and FiBL present new facts and figures about organic agriculture worldwide at the BioFach World Organic Trade Fair 2009

November 08

IFOAM launches the Growing Organic internet pages, a collection of tools and information from all corners of the organic world

October 08

IFOAM, UNCTAD and FAO launch tools for uniting the organic world

April 08

IFOAM appreciates IAASTD report on a new agriculture paradigm focusing on poor farmers as a step in the right direction

February 08

IFOAM, FiBL and SÖL present new facts and figures about the organic sector at BioFach 2008

May 07

New standard for East African organic products to be launched at Tanzanian conference - Organic label expected to boost profits for small farmers, expand exports and domestic and regional sales

FAO convenes international conference to demonstrate the huge potential of organic agriculture for food security

February 07

Nearly 31 million certified organic hectares worldwide

December 06

East Africa leads the continent in organic agriculture - East African Organic Standard goes public

October 06

Investing in organic agriculture for food security

June 06

Organic agriculture contributes to food security and rural development in Africa

March 06

IFOAM believes that proposed EU regulation on organic agriculture undermines integrity and credibility of system

UNCTAD, UNEP and IFOAM join forces for regional organic standards in East Africa

February 06

First IFOAM Organic Certification Body Forum sets stage for future development of organic agriculture

December 05

Brazilian Government sets sights high for organic agriculture

September 05

General assembly of IFOAM approves principles of organic agriculture

Organic agriculture contributes to Millennium Development Goals in Africa: IFOAM to establish Africa Organic Service Centre in Dakar, Senegal

August 05

Italian organic standards join family of IFOAM standards

International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) announces new Executive Director

May 05

Global organic agriculture crop area reaches 26 million hectares - Organic sector calls for strict liability under the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety

IFOAM, the International Federation of Organic Agricultural Movements, re-launches its website

April 05

Organic pioneer seeks new challenges: Bernward Geier resigns from IFOAM

March 05

European Patent Office upholds decision to revoke Neem patent

December 04

International organic movement makes headway against GMOs at the IUCN World Conservation Congress

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