August 09
Washington State
University names research geneticist Michael Pumphrey its new
spring wheat breeder
July 09
New winter wheat
breeder named to lead Washington State University program
April 09
Washington State
University releases two new stripe rust resistant wheat varieties
Washington and
Oregon scientists receive $500,000 grant to test weed-fighting
Organic acreage
and sales continue to grow in Washington State
August 08
Wheat breeder
Professor Stephen Jones named Director of Washington State
University's Research and Extension Center at Mount Vernon
Washington State
University wheat breeder will partner in multi-nation, $9
million EU grant
July 08
Bee research aims
for diverse bee genetic pool
Washington State
University wheat varieties dominate Washington State crop for
June 08
Washington State
organic acreage and production see significant increases in 2007
U.S. Farm Bill will
provide critical funding for ag research
April 08
Washington State
University scientists and Pacific Northwest beekeepers dedicate
funds to the study causes of the colony collapse
Washington State
University researcher receives NIH grant to develop wheat free
of harmful gluten proteins
Washington State
University offers first online certificate in organic
agriculture in United States
March 08
Washington State
University researcher partners with high school science teacher
for genomics research and education
February 08
State University releases four new wheat varieties
December 07
State University offers graduate certificate in sustainable
November 07
Winter wheat
breeder Stephen Lyon receives Washington State Crop Improvement
Association award
October 07
Washington State
University seeking patent on disease-resistant wheat to increase
July 07
discover how jasmonate, a major plant hormone, works to defend
plants against invaders
Washington State
University varieties dominate wheat acreage in Washington
State University to involve growers even more in wheat variety
May 07
Organic acreage and
production continue to increase in Washington state
Seven students
receive first organic ag scholarships at Washington State
April 07
Washington State
University extends organic agriculture major with new online
June 06
Research may reduce global
need for nitrogen fertilizers
Washington State University
receives US$680,000 grant for organic wheat breeding
May 06
Washington State University
to offer Bachelor's of Science degree in Agriculture including major in
organic agriculture systems
December 05
Washington State
University researchers find a key to plant growth
October 05
Arcadia Biosciences and
Washington State University receive NIH grant to research wheat with
reduced celiac disease-causing protein
September 05
Washington State
University researchers find a key to plant growth
Sakata Seed
Corporation and Alf Christianson Seed Company contribute $100,000 to
revitalize research & extension center at Washington State University
July 05
A new molecule discovered
in the battle between plants and disease
June 05
Help available for North
American growers battling aphids, weevil
May 05
Washington State University research suggests that herbicide may
suppress Asian soybean rust
February 05
New potato
variety resists late blight