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  • 56 days relative maturity
  • Medium green pod
  • Pod length: 5.1"
  • Sieve distribution:
    15% 1-3
    45% 4
    40% 5
  • Moderately resistant to Bacterial Brown Spot
The most widely accepted processing bean in the US

Hystyle is a proven performer. The combination of consistently high yield and the highest level of Bacterial Brown Spot resistance of any commercial variety in the industry have made it the most used processing bean in the US.


  • Reduced raw product cost due to consistently high yields.
  • Reduced acreage loss and pod defects due to moderate Brown Spot resistance.
  • Wider harvest window due to slow seed development.
  • Wide adaptability.
Growing Regions

Widely adapted, Hystyle has proven to be adapted to the following growing conditions and seasons:

Early - Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, Southeast, Canada, Midwest, Texas, California and Pacific Northwest.

Main - Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, Southeast, Canada, Midwest, Texas, California and Pacific Northwest.

Late - Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, Southeast, Canada, Midwest, Texas, California and Pacific Northwest.

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