Beta Agriculture and Trade AS Konya Ankara Yolu 50 km Altınekin KavşağıKonya 42450Turkey E-mail: muratcengiz@betaziraat.com Tel: +90 530 0421259 Fax: +90 332 2211757 Web: http://betaziraat.com ‘’BETA established as the first private seed growing company in the country in 1961.
Incorporated with the exclusive purpose and scope of serving as a seed grower during the period not competed by so many rivals even on global scale, the subsidiary is the yield of a massive piece of vision.
BETA supplies 40 % of the sugarbeet seeds of the country within Turkish sugar industry. In addition, BETA is assertive within grain and corn, alfalafa seeds, vegetable seeds.
In 2005, BETA has established the first biotech laboratory in Turkey within all the Turkish seed companies.
Altınekin seed processing facility has the capability of processing 10.000 tonnes of grain annual, 400 tonnes of sugar beet seeds annual, 50 tonnes of vegetable seeds annual. Our seed processing facility has the first and the only covering processing technology in sugar beet industry in Turkey.
It had strengthened its marketing network via 2 different teams, in 8 different regions with all agricultural engineers.’’
Product line:
Field & farm seed Alfalfa / Lucerne Barley Forage Potato Sugarbeet
Forage & turf seed Alfalfa / Lucerne Forage
Herb seed Parsley
Vegetable seed Beans Beet Broccoli Cabbage Carrot Cauliflower Cucumber Eggplant (Brinjal) Leek Lettuce Melon Onion Parsley Peas, garden Pepper Potato Pumpkin Radicchio Radish Rootstock Soybean, edible Spinach Squash Sweet corn Tomato Watermelon