The objective of Syngenta Seedcare™ is to protect and
enhance the yield potential of seeds through superior
seed treatments. Partnerships with the professional seed
industry ensure precise application of each active
ingredient to every seed. Treated seeds offer growers
more convenient solutions for increased stands,
healthier plants and ultimately higher yields.
Solutions for field crops |
Syngenta Seedcare continually develops
new seed treatment technologies for specific crops and
unique growing conditions.
AVICTA® Complete
nematicide/insecticide/fungicide combination is just one
example of a complete offer that uniquely protects
against nematodes, insects and diseases as soon as the
crop is planted.
CRUISER® seed treatment insecticide
brands reflect the global technical capabilities of
Syngenta Seedcare. Growers around the world recognize
CRUISER as the leading insecticide seed treatment
solution that increases yield through
unmatched insect protection and improved plant vigor.
In fungicide seed treatment, Syngenta
leads the industry. VIBRANCE™ is our new seed treatment
fungicide based on the new active ingredient sedaxane.
It is the first Syngenta molecule developed specifically
for the seed treatment market. VIBRANCE offers unique
RootingPower that results in stronger, healthier roots
for higher crop preformance - right from the start. |
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Solutions for vegetables |
Novel solutions and technologies are
critical to meet the unique business
needs in the vegetable industry. The
FarMore® Technology branding platform
for vegetable seeds is the first |
comprehensive seed-delivered system that
helps maximize vegetable production by
enhancing performance and value. |
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Stored Grain Protection |
Protecting grain after the harvest from
insect damage is essential for growers
and the food chain. |
Our ACTELLIC® brand of products offers
superior control and peace of mind that
the harvest will remain safe whilst in
storage. |
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Syngenta Seedcare Institute |
Syngenta is proud to offer customers a
global seed care institute network where
researchers continuously develop and
test seed treatment technologies.
Each of the institutes in Switzerland,
France, Brazil, China, the United States
and others serve as a center of
excellence in product application,
training, seed science and biology.
Each of the institutes serves as a
center of excellence in Application &
Quality Management, Seed Science &
Testing and Product Support &
Innovation. |
© 2012 Syngenta Crop Protection AG, Basel, Switzerland.
Important: Use seed treatment products safely. Always
read the label and product information before use.
Labels contain important conditions of sale, including
limitations of warranty and remedy. References products
are registered for use in certain countries and national
label instructions have to be read and followed; please
check with your local regulatory authority for further
® Registered Trademark of a Syngenta Group Company
™ Trademark of a Syngenta Group Company
VIBRANCE™ is currently only registered for sale and use
in Argentina and France. Registrations are pending in
other countries throughout the world; please check with
your local regulatory authority for further information.
AVICTA® Complete is a combination of separately
registered seed treatment products. Check with your
local regulatory authority for further information.
FarMore® Technology is a seed company- or seed
technology provider-applied combination of separately
registered seed treatment products and proprietary
application technologies. Not all FarMore Technology
offerings are available for use on all crops. Check with
your FarMore Technology provider for more information. |