Geneva, Switzerland
December 19, 2008
Learning course (DL-205 - Introduction to the UPOV System of
Plant Variety Protection under the UPOV Convention) has been
followed by some 400 students in 2008, in English, French,
German and Spanish.
Two sessions of the DL-205 Course are scheduled for 2009:
Session I
May 4 to June 7, 2009
(On-line registration: February 1 to 28, 2009)
Session II
November 2 to December 6, 2009
(On-line registration: July 1 to 31, 2009)
In total, over 1100 students have
participated in the UPOV Distance learning course (DL 205).
The course is now being used as a preparation for participants
in various regional training organized by or in cooperation with
UPOV (see graph below).
Category 1:
Officials of members of the Union (non fee-paying)
Category 2: Officials of observer
States/intergovernmental organizations (non
fee-paying for the first participant)
Category 3: Others (fee CHF 1,000)
Cooperation activities in which the DL-205 course is
WCA: West and Central Asian Regional Meeting
WGN: Wageningen course on plant variety
protection (Netherlands)
JIICA: Training Course on the “Protection of
Plant Breeders’ Rights” organized by the
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
SRZ: VII Curso de Formación para Países
Iberoamericanos sobre la Protección
de las Obtenciones Vegetales
ARTM: Asian Regional Technical Meeting |