Wenatchee, Washington
May 21, 2007
Certified organic acreage in
Washington state has increased by as much as 47 percent between
2004 and 2006, and as much as 70 percent since 2002. Those
growth estimates are included in a profile of the state's
organic acreage, crops and livestock compiled by
Washington State University's
Center for Sustaining Agriculture and Natural Resources.
"We're careful to point out that the figures in the profile are
a best estimate because of anomalies and inconsistencies in the
available data," says WSU CSANR sustainable agriculture
specialist David Granatstein. "We've been conservative with our
analysis, so the report represents a low-end estimate of
organically farmed land in the state."
Granatstein and research assistant Elizabeth Kirby compiled and
analyzed data from six organizations that certify organic
farmland within the state. More than 98 percent of the land is
certified by the Washington State Department of Agriculture
Organic Food Program and Oregon Tilth Certified Organic.
Granatstein points out that the certifying organizations request
information from growers in different forms and categories,
which makes a highly accurate analysis difficult.
The 2006 estimate of certified organic land statewide is 64,325
acres, up from 46,181 acres in 2005. Two-thirds of the state's
organic land is devoted to three crop categories: forage crops
for feeding livestock, vegetables and tree fruit.
Organic forage production showed the most growth accounting for
30 percent of the state's total organic acreage, up from 20
percent in 2005. Certified hay and silage acreage increased by
96 percent to more than 6,700 acres and pasture acreage nearly
tripled to more than 10,100 acres.
The report cites the rapid growth of the organic dairy sector
and resulting demand for organic feed for fueling the dramatic
Certified vegetable production increased by more than 1,000
acres, or 10 percent, in 2005 and by nearly 4,500 acres, or 41
percent, in 2006 for a total of 15,466 acres. In 2005 Washington
ranked second only to California in organic vegetable acreage.
Apples are the state's predominant organic tree fruit crop with
apple orchards comprising 76 percent of the certified tree fruit
acres, primarily in irrigated areas of central Washington. Gala
and Fuji are the most common varieties grown organically.
A significant amount of orchard acreage is in transition to
organic certification, thanks to resurging market demand for
organic fruit from large grocery store chains. In-state organic
tree fruit acreage is expected to increase by 54 percent by
Consumer demand for organic dairy products has made dairy one of
the fastest growing segments of the organic marketplace. In 2005
there were 14 organic dairies operating in Washington. That
number increased to 23 in 2006, with an additional 8 dairies in
the process of transitioning to organic and another 21 with
applications pending.
The state continues to see an increase in organically raised
livestock, according to the profile. The report estimates that
there were more than 2,200 organic beef cattle raised in 2006,
compared to just over 600 in 2005. More than 131,000 organic
laying hens were reported in 2006 compared to 97,200 the
previous year.
The estimated farmgate sales of organic goods for 2005, the
latest year for which figures are available, increased by 31
percent over the previous year to more than $101.5 million.
Seventy-five percent of organic sales were from eastern
Washington farms.
More details are available in the summary report on line at
http://csanr.wsu.edu/Organic/OrganicStats.htm |