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Indonesia to collaborate with China in setting up Hybrid Rice Research Center
December 15, 2006

Source: CropBiotech Update

In the next six months, Indonesia will collaborate with China in setting up a Rice Hybrid Research Center. Indonesian Minister of Agriculture, Anton Apriyantono, made this announcement during the signing of a Memorandum of Agreement between Guo Hao Seed Industry, China with PT Sumber Alam Sutera, and Indonesian Institute for Rice Research (BALITPA).

According to Anton, various research studies in Indonesia showed that yields of hybrid rice was 10 to 20% more than the most popular varieties, such as IR 64, Ciherang and Way Apo Buru. He believes that in the next three years, Indonesian rice production will increase to 2 million tons per year.

To see the full article visit or email Elfa Hermawan at for more information.

CropBiotech Update

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