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USDA announces plan to publicize environmental assessments for biotechnology petitions
Washington, DC
November 14, 2005

The U.S. Department of Agriculture's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) today announced its intention to issue press releases when it makes environmental assessments (EA) regarding proposed deregulation of genetically engineered (GE) organisms available for public comment.

These assessments have always been available to the public for comment through the Federal Register.  In an effort to provide more information to stakeholders and the general public, APHIS plans to facilitate public access to these EAs with press releases announcing their availability.

APHIS prepares an EA and accepts public comment before it determines whether or not a GE organism will continue to be regulated.  APHIS’ biotechnology regulatory services (BRS) program prepares each EA to determine whether the proposed action, or any reasonable alternatives, may have significant impacts on the quality of the human environment.  The EA provides a record of USDA’s review and analysis of environmental impacts associated with the proposed deregulation.

APHIS has a strong focus on analyzing the environmental and ecological effects of GE plants and organisms and is committed to increased transparency of the regulatory process for biotech organisms.

APHIS is responsible for regulating the importation, movement and field release of GE plants, insects and micro-organisms that may pose a plant pest risk.  Through a strong regulatory framework, APHIS thoroughly evaluates biotech organisms before they are deregulated to verify that they are safe for agriculture and the environment.  For more information on APHIS’ biotechnology regulatory program, please visit

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