Americans’ knowledge of genetically modified (GM) foods and
animals continues to remain low, and their opinions reflect that
they are particularly uncomfortable with animal cloning,
according to a new survey released today by
the Pew Initiative on Food
and Biotechnology. The survey also shows that religious and
ethical concerns play a significant role in consumer attitudes
towards cloning, and that a significant majority of consumers
believe that the government should include ethical and moral
considerations when making regulatory decisions about cloning
and GM animals. Despite continuing concerns about GM foods,
consumers do not support banning new uses of the technology, but
rather seek an active role from regulators to ensure that new
products are safe. When asked about importation of foreign GM
products, consumers demonstrated little awareness but clearly
favor U.S. regulation.
Using data from similar surveys released by the Pew
Initiative on Food and Biotechnology in March 2001, September
2003 and September 2004 for tracking purposes, the analysis of
the poll and opinion survey released today provides an in-depth
understanding of consumers’ attitudes regarding GM foods.
Highlights include:
- Overall awareness of GM foods and biotechnology is up
slightly, but overall attitudes are unchanged. While nearly
sixty-one percent of Americans say they are generally
familiar with science and technology, a majority of people
polled (58 percent) remain unaware of GM foods, with 41
percent saying they have heard about GM food that is sold in
grocery stores.
- Consumers have heard little about the importation of
foreign GM products, but favor U.S. regulation. The
potential for importation of GM foods produced abroad is not
on consumers’ radar screen. Four in five Americans (80
percent) say they have heard little or nothing about
importation of GM foods. Even so, nearly two-thirds (65
percent) oppose the importation of GM foods, including a
majority (52 percent) who express strong opposition. In
addition, nearly two-thirds (65 percent) of consumers
surveyed strongly favor ensuring that foreign producers face
the same level of regulation that American producers face.
- Americans claim to have heard about animal cloning – and
are uncomfortable with it. The majority of people polled (65
percent) claims to have heard about animal cloning, compared
to 41 percent of the public who have heard of GM foods, 34
percent who are familiar with GM animals, and less than one
in five Americans (18 percent) who are familiar with the
potential importation of GM foods. Sixty-six percent of
American consumers polled indicated that they are largely
uncomfortable with animal cloning. In addition, less than a
quarter (23 percent) of consumers believe food produced from
animal clones is safe, while 43 percent believe it is
unsafe; and one-third (34 percent) of consumers do not have
an opinion on the safety of animal cloning.
- Consumers most strongly support GM uses that are
designed to protect against disease. Although most Americans
oppose genetically modifying or cloning animals, the most
widely favored uses are those that offer direct human
benefits, including producing chickens resistant to avian
flu (40 percent “very good reason”) or producing cattle
resistant to mad cow disease (40 percent “very good
- Consumers strongly believe that ethical and moral
considerations should be part of the animal cloning
regulatory equation. A strong majority (63 percent) of
Americans believe government agencies should include moral
and ethical considerations when making regulatory decisions
about cloning and genetically modifying animals, with 53
percent feeling that way strongly.
“From the survey results, it is clear that moral and ethical
concerns play a big role in forming consumer attitudes,
particularly towards animal cloning, and that U.S. consumers
want these issues to be part of the public debate,” said Michael
Fernandez, executive director of the Pew Initiative on Food and
Biotechnology. “Despite these concerns, consumers do not support
banning new uses of biotechnology, but are looking to government
regulators to provide assurance that new products are safe. The
ability of the U.S. regulatory system to keep pace with changing
technology – whether it’s new GM crops or animals or imports –
will be critical to maintaining consumer confidence.”
The nationwide survey, conducted by The Mellman Group and
Public Opinion Strategies, October 10-16, consisted of telephone
interviews of 1,000 American consumers. The margin of error for
this survey is +/-3.1 percent. The margin of error is higher for
GM foods have been in the U.S. marketplace for the past nine
years. Today, approximately 105.7 million acres of GM crops are
grown in the U.S., with farmers producing GM corn, cotton,
soybeans, canola, squash and papaya. Other countries are
beginning to develop their own GM food products which they may
be interested in importing into the U.S. To date, all GM food
products on the market have gone through the U.S. regulatory
review process. Scientists have developed GM or transgenic
animals, which are animals with genes inserted from another
organism, for a variety of purposes including treating human
disease and improving the efficiency of food production. Animal
clones, which are offspring genetically identical to a single
parent, are being developed as a way of preserving elite animals
for food production and preserving rare or endangered species.
No products from GM or cloned animals have been approved for
sale in the U.S.
View a summary of the findings from the survey, as well as
the statistical results at
Other polls conducted by the Pew Initiative can be viewed at
The Pew Initiative on Food and Biotechnology is a
nonprofit, nonpartisan research project whose goal is to inform
the public and policymakers on issues about genetically modified
food and agricultural biotechnology, including its importance,
as well as concerns about it and its regulation. It is supported
by a grant from The Pew Charitable Trusts to the University of