Bonn, Germany
May 30, 2005
Organic farming, the systematic conversion of
land to certified practices that ensure food safety and security
from the farm to the table, a comprehensive and fully traceable
system, is developing rapidly throughout the world. According to
the International Federation of
Organic Agriculture Movement’s study The World of Organic
Agriculture: Statistics and Emerging Trends 2005, 36 countries
achieved organic mega-country status in 2004, meaning that over
50,000 hectares of certified organic land are currently being
cultivated. In total, over 26 million hectares of land are
currently certified worldwide, generating over $25 billion in
revenue in 2003.
558,449 farms in 108 countries are currently certified, and many
millions of people are involved in the production, marketing,
processing and distribution of organic products, generating
immense income for a great number of people while simultaneously
enhancing biodiversity and protecting the environment for future
Organic agriculture is a holistic system that promotes and
enhances biodiversity, biological cycles, and soil biological
activity. Certified organic products are those which have been
produced, stored, processed, handled and marketed in accordance
with precise technical specifications (standards) and certified
as organic by a certification body. The use of GMOs within
organic systems is not permitted during any stage of organic
food production, processing or handling.
The International Service for the
Acquisition of Agri-Biotech Applications (ISAAA) issues an
annual report on the amount of global biotech crop acreage. The
2005 report indicates that there were 14 biotech mega-countries
in 2004 – countries where more than 50,000 hectares or biotech
crops are being grown. The figures, however, are dubious. For
instance, whereas the report claims that 500,000 biotech
hectares are being grown in South Africa, a report from
Agricultural Biotechnology in Europe, an industry coalition, and
a survey team from the University of Reading in the UK show that
the ISAAA’s figures are exaggerated by factors of 20 and 30
respectively, and a recent report from GRAIN (
demonstrates that out of 3,000 farmers who originally grew Bt
cotton there, only 700 continue to do, and many farmers who
chose to grow the cotton are now perilously in debt. Also, 98%
of the world's GM crops are still grown in only four nations -
USA, Canada, Argentina and a bit in China, which has remained
the same for the last five years.
Biotech crops grown in so-called biotech mega-countries are
planted indiscriminately without any substantive regulatory
framework, increasing reliance upon dangerous herbicides and
pesticides, creating super-weeds and destroying biodiversity in
order to increase yields in the short term, but ultimately
rendering the cropland useless, while simultaneously
contaminating the world’s major food crops with undesirable
characteristics. This contamination is not something the biotech
industry should flaunt, but rather, the biotech industry should
be held strictly liable for all such contamination under the
Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety. Biotech crops have been riddled
by scandal, from StarLink corn, which was not approved for human
consumption but nevertheless entered the food supply, prompting
the recall of over 300 contaminated food products from shelves
in the USA and continues to linger in the food supply, to the
illegal entry of a 1000 tons of Bt10 into the European Union,
also not approved for human consumption, and the recent
publication of internal Monsanto documents, reviewed by EU
scientists, revealing serious health damage to laboratory
animals fed Monsanto's new genetically engineered
"rootworm-resistant" corn. Rats who consumed the mutant corn
developed smaller kidneys and exhibited blood abnormalities.
Biotech crops containing industrial enzymes, pharmaceuticals,
viruses, antibiotic resistance markers and other traits have
been planted in large-scale field tests for years in the USA,
but tests for those experimental crops do not exist, and thus it
is likely that contamination of agricultural crops is much more
Alternatively, organic agriculture ensures food security and
safety for future generations, distributing income equitably
among those involved in the chain of production, and credibly
backing up its claims with thorough documentation. Organic
agriculture also increases or stabilizes yields in developing
countries, particularly in marginal and semi-arid areas,
increasing productivity without dependency on unaffordable
chemicals. The IFOAM Basic Standards include social standards
that ensure the protection of workers’ rights. IFOAM Accredited
certifiers ( adhere to these social standards, and
IFOAM is working together with the
International Social and
Environmental Accreditation and Labelling (ISEAL) Alliance
to improve the effectiveness and compatibility of social and
environmental standards and verification systems.
IFOAM calls for strict liability to be imposed for the
introduction of GMOs. To insure that the costs of injuries
resulting from defective products are borne by the manufacturer
that put such products on the market rather than by the injured
persons who are powerless to protect themselves, strict
liability for GMOs is warranted. Strict liability ensures that
organic farmers and consumer receive protection from problems of
proof inherent in pursuing negligence, placing the burden of
loss on manufacturers rather than injured parties who are
powerless to protect themselves. IFOAM applauds the inclusion of
a GMO liability regime in the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety,
an idea that originated from African nations and other Third
World nations, and is opposed by the USA and Canada.
IFOAM’s Position on Genetic Engineering:
To purchase a copy of The World of Organic Agriculture:
Statistics and Emerging Trends 2005, go to the IFOAM website Additional
information can be requested from the IFOAM Head Office
(Charles-de-Gaulle-Str. 5, 53113 Bonn, Germany, phone
+49-228-92650-10). |