Hooper, Nebraska
June 29, 2005
Joy Powell,
Star Tribune via
Since most Minnesota corn farmers
have turned to biotech seeds, others who want to grow
non-biotech corn sometimes encounter a costly problem: The
biotech pollen can drift from neighboring fields.
The resulting "contamination" has
been a bane for farmers who want to grow non-biotech corn for
export as well as for niche domestic markets that would pay a
premium, from organic food companies to baby-food makers.
Now, a small Nebraska firm called
Hoegemeyer Hybrids has
patented a breed of non-biotech corn that the company says is
resistant to such contamination.
That's of interest to many Minnesota farmers, where 63 percent
of the $2 billion corn crop last year was of biotech varieties -
the second-highest use of biotech corn seeds nationwide, behind
South Dakota.
Raised through conventional breeding, the new hybrid corn,
called PuraMaize, rejects pollen from all other strains
of corn except its own - meaning that any biotech pollen that
happened to drift by could not contaminate it, said inventor Tom
Hoegemeyer, a nationally known corn breeder.
His company intends to complete licensing arrangements and have
the commercial hybrid seed available for the 2006 growing season
in Minnesota and other parts of the Corn Belt. They'll sell it
through their own company to farmers, as well as through major
seed companies.
"That's pretty cool, if it works," said Mark Hamerlinck, a
spokesman for the Minnesota Corn Growers Association.
Hoegemeyer said his "completely natural system" will allow
biotech and non-biotech cornfields to grow side by side - while
also ensuring that corn grown for specialty starches, corn
flakes, tacos and other corn-based products stays free of
contamination by genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
"It looks like something promising for the future," especially
as more biotech varieties hit the market, said Craig Williams of
Stauffer Seeds, which is based in Carroll, Iowa, and sells seed
in southwest and south-central Minnesota.
The PuraMaize system will enable U.S. corn growers and
processors to export their corn to markets where consumers have
shied away from what's been dubbed "frankenfood," such as Japan
and the European Union, without the expensive isolation of their
non-GMO fields, Hoegemeyer said. Hoegemeyer is chief technology
officer of his regional seed distributorship in Nebraska and
past president of the American Seed Association's corn and
sorghum division.
This week, demand for corn from Japanese importers remained
weak, in part because of high prices but also because of the
discovery in Japan last week of a third U.S. cargo tainted with
an unapproved biotech strain.
Japanese buyers have been spooked since March, when Syngenta AG
said that some of its corn seeds in the United States had been
contaminated between 2001 and 2004 with its insect-resistant
strain called Bt-10. That strain, which produces a toxin that
kills the corn borer, has not been approved for distribution by
Hoegemeyer said he sees the value of GMO traits that improve
corn yields by providing resistance to insects and certain
herbicides. But for years, he also has recognized the reluctance
of some consumers, particularly in Europe, Japan and Australia,
to consume biotech foods.
That led him to use an "exotic" variety of corn to develop
PuraMaize, which blocks pollination from external pollen
sources, he said. In field tests using both purple-seeded corn
and commercial biotech varieties, the contamination was either
eliminated or reduced to an extremely low level that meet
thresholds for non-GMO classification, he said.
"It could be a boon for export," said agronomy professor Rex
Bernardo of the College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental
Sciences at the University of Minnesota campus in St. Paul.
Like others, he's still learning about the science behind the
new process, but Bernardo cautions that it's not a complete
solution. Much of the contamination of non-biotech corn with
biotech corn comes from mechanical equipment, from combines to
grain bins to local elevators, said Bernardo, who specializes in
corn breeding and genetics.
Hoegemeyer also cautions that to ensure a crop's purity, careful
identity-preservation techniques still must be used as the corn
is harvested, stored and shipped.
The ability to carefully trace the origin of its raw materials
is critical for companies such as National Starch, a New
Jersey-based food ingredient company that does not use
genetically modified corn. Joseph Emling, manager of grain
quality and traceability for National Starch, said he has been
watching the development of PuraMaize technology.
"It'll become increasingly complex to procure non-GM corn in the
future because GM adoption by farmers around the country is
increasing quite quickly," Emling said. "So any kind of
technology such as PuraMaize that would make it easier and less
complex to procure non-GM corn for our system would certainly be
something we'd be interested in."
Nationwide, the amount of biotech corn planted is expected to
jump 55 percent in 2005 compared with 48 percent in 2004, said
Tom Gahm, spokesman for Golden Valley-based Syngenta Seeds Inc.,
one of Minnesota's largest seed sellers.
Hoegemeyer, who separately conducts corn research for Syngenta,
said his PuraMaize process will bring conveniences and cost
savings not only to farmers but to foodmakers.
"If you are a food manufacturing company and you're needing an
emulsifier starch to make baby food, for instance, you probably
don't want to make separate lots of baby food for export versus
domestic production," Hoegemeyer said. "It's just a lot easier
to adopt something in your process that would work all over."
The PuraMaize variety, which could be planted alongside biotech
crops, could be for either human food or animal feed. "We
believe that there's no impact at all on taste or functional
properties such as starch content or protein or those sorts of
things," Hoegemeyer said.
He developed the idea after seeing the skepticism around the
globe toward biotech crops in the mid-1990s. Hoegemeyer
researched races of exotic corn used hundreds and thousands of
years ago and, after obtaining the gene materials he needed,
began tests in 2000, along with developmental breeding and
"This has largely been a traditional breeding process,"
Hoegemeyer said. "Genes exist and have been known about since
the '30s that have impact on the pollination process. It was a
matter of going out and getting the right materials working
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