Beijing, China
August 8, 2005
Jia Hepeng,
Chinese scientists have
genetically modified rice to grow well in soil that has low
levels of the mineral phosphate.
According to lead researcher Wu
Ping of Zhejiang
University this could reduce farmers' reliance on costly and
environmentally-damaging phosphate fertilisers.
The researchers published their
findings in the July issue of
Plant Physiology.
They found that a gene called
osptf1 became active when rice was grown in low levels of
They then copied the gene and
inserted it into a different variety of rice to create
genetically-modified (GM) plants that could tolerate low
phosphate levels.
When grown in such conditions,
the GM rice plants produced longer roots and took up 30 per cent
more phosphate than non-GM rice plants in the same environment.
One of the researchers, Guo
Longbiao of the
China National Rice Research Institute told SciDev.Net that
because osptf1 was derived from rice rather than a different
plant species, new rice varieties containing the gene could be
developed by combining traditional breeding with molecular
Although this method would take
several years longer than using genetic modification on its own,
said Guo, it could be used in areas where the sale of GM rice
has not been authorised.
Guo added that new rice
varieties with the osptf1 gene would be important in many
developing countries. When phosphate fertilisers are used in
such countries, yields increase but at a high cost to farmers
and to the environment, he said.
Phosphate fertilisers, which often
contain the toxins fluoride and arsenic, are among the most
environmentally damaging of all fertilisers. Their manufacture
can cause atmospheric pollution, and the fertilisers themselves
can pollute soil and rivers.
Plant Physiology
doi:10.1104/pp.105.063115 |