Indianapolis, Indiana
April 9, 2003
Mycogen Seeds is now offering the CLEARFIELD™ Production
System for sunflower. This new technology combines the company’s
high yielding sunflower hybrids with Beyond™ herbicide,
delivering broad-spectrum postemergence grass and broadleaf weed
control in all tillage systems. As the largest sunflower seed
producer, Mycogen Seeds is one of an exclusive group of seed
companies offering this production system.
"Currently we are offering NuSun™
sunflower hybrid 8N429CL with the CLEARFIELD trait but we expect
to offer additional hybrids for future planting seasons," says
Keith Porter, sunflower marketing specialist for Mycogen Seeds.
"We are confident that these hybrids will perform very well. The
CLEARFIELD Production System will allow the hybrids to thrive,
even in fields with common cocklebur and marshelder weed
Kansas State University
researchers first identified the CLEARFIELD trait for sunflowers
in 1997, when it was found in a population of wild sunflowers.
The wild sunflowers were growing in a soybean field with seven
years of continuous ALS-inhibitor herbicide use. Using
traditional plant-breeding procedures, the wild sunflower was
crossed with USDA cultivated breeding stocks, and the tolerance
trait was maintained through several backcross generations. Four
new CLEARFIELD germplasm lines were developed and made available
to Mycogen Seeds, other seed companies and plant breeders.
Mycogen Seeds incorporated the trait into its most advanced
breeding stock to create an elite line of hybrids.
Since the CLEARFIELD trait for
sunflowers is naturally occurring, and was cultivated and
incorporated into germplasm with traditional plant breeding
procedures, the CLEARFIELD technology is not a genetically
modified organism (GMO).
"We’re excited to offer our new
CLEARFIELD flower hybrid to sunflower growers. This system,
including Beyond herbicide, will allow them to plant on an
increased number of acres, including land that was previously
overlooked due to weed problems," says Porter.
Beyond herbicide works with the
CLEARFIELD trait in sunflower hybrids to provide broad-spectrum
postemergence control of weeds in all tillage systems and
recently received all United States and Canadian regulatory
approvals. It should be noted that application of Beyond in
conventional (non-CLEARFIELD) sunflowers results in significant
crop injury and plant death.
CLEARFIELD Sunflower Stewardship
To preserve the efficacy of the
CLEARFIELD Sunflower Production System, and to prevent or delay
herbicide resistance in the wild sunflower population and other
weed pests, specific management practices need to be followed.
These practices should span across crops and years to promote
sound herbicide resistance management.
Always grow CLEARFIELD
sunflower in rotation with other crops, i.e.
Use alternate (non-ALS)
mode-of-action herbicides with activity on sunflower in the
rotational crop, i.e. growth regulator or photosynthesis
Control emerged wild sunflower
prior to planting CLEARFIELD sunflowers with non-ALS burndown
herbicides (no-till/min-till) or tillage (conventional-till).
Limit the sole reliance on ALS
herbicides to no more than 2 out of 4 years in the same field.
Where possible, use sequential or tank-mix partner herbicides
with multiple modes of action on target weed species in the
sunflower crop and in rotational crops.
For further information on
CLEARFIELD hybrid 8N429CL, visit
and download a PDF with hybrid ratings, management guidelines
and head-to-head performance data, as well as information about
the CLEARFIELD Production System.
To contact a Mycogen Seeds Sales
Representative or dealer in your area to order CLEARFIELD
sunflowers, visit the dealer finder section of our site.
Mycogen Seeds is a wholly owned
subsidiary of The Dow Chemical Company and is an affiliate of
Dow AgroSciences LLC. Mycogen is the leader in Silage-Specific™
corn and the largest sunflower seed producer, and is a leading
producer of seed corn, alfalfa, soybeans and sorghum.
®™ Trademarks of Mycogen Corporation. Mycogen
Seeds is an affiliate of Dow AgroSciences LLC
trademarks and Beyond™ is a trademark of BASF. Always read and
follow label directions. NuSun is a registered trademark of the
National Sunflower Association.