August 09
CSIRO and the Cotton
CRC release FIBREpak, new guide to improve cotton quality
Wheat price forecast
decline continues
Stripe rust on wheat
in Australia
research project may help to breed more frost tolerant
cereal varieties
Department of
Agriculture, Western Australia extends public comment period
for the review of the GM Crops Free Areas Act
cotton industry recognises five of its highest achievers
Aiming to lead
the world in agricultural modelling
Australian cereal rust
report: First
report of the ‘WA YR17’ pathotype in 2009
AgResearch and
the University of Auckland forge unique science
collaboration for ground breaking agri-food research
Nufarm Ltd.
acquires leading US sorghum seed companies Richardson Seeds
Ltd and MMR Genetics Ltd
cereal rust report:
Stripe rust emerging in New South Wales
July 09
Viterra supports
interim ABB management structure and announces board
Western Australia
Department of Agriculture and Nufarm discontinue Wongan
Hills canola trials due to lack of rainfall
Viterra provides
update on progress of proposed combination with ABB Grain
Ltd. through a scheme of arrangement
Australian grain
growers call for an independent wheat website to record
market information and help growers make informed decisions
about grain sales
Western Australia
in the spotlight for global plant geneticists
Dr Lars Jermiin
appointed CEO Science Leader of the Genome Bioinformatics
team at CSIRO Entomology
Big returns from
grower grains research in Western Australia
Food Standards
Australia New Zealand update: Review of genetically modified
food safety assessments
awarded A$1.6 million grant to increase the understanding of
genes responsible for growth and yield in grasses for use as
bio-energy and food crops
Mark Tucek is the
new CEO of Australia's Council of Grain Grower Organisations
cooperation with leading Australian research institute
CSIRO: Bayer CropScience expands global R&D activities in
seeds and traits by setting up new research focus area in
cereals - Superior solutions for wheat farmers could be
available as early as 2015
Langfristige Zusammenarbeit mit führendem australischem
Forschungsinstitut CSIRO: Bayer CropScience weitet Forschung
und Entwicklung auf Getreide-Saatgut als weitere Kernkultur
aus Neue Lösungen für den Weizenanbau könnten bereits 2015
verfügbar sein
Dow AgroSciences
and NemGenix establish new collaboration in plant
Australian Oilseed
Federation: Canola
2009/10 and soybean 2008/09 crop report
Competitive crops
called on to combat weeds
Australian OGTR:
DIR 094 - Limited
and controlled release of wheat and barley genetically
modified for enhanced nutrient utilisation efficiency
Viterra provides
update on crop conditions and ABB acquisition
Scientists uses
new type of genetic modification to developing salt-tolerant
Cotton Seed
Distributors, Web on Wednesday:
- Sicot 71BRF
performance in 2008-09
Introducing Sicot
Novel alternatives
show potential for Western Australian pastures
June 09
Landmark invests in
wheat breeding company HRZ Wheats Pty Ltd
Australian cereal rust report:
New barley leaf rust
pathotype virulent on Rph3
- Barley leaf rust
outbreak in Western Australia
Cotton Seed Distributors
- Facts on Friday:
Smart variety selection is critical
- Web on Wednesday:
Discussion of the
joint venture that CSD and Syngenta have established over the
last few years in regards to trialing new candidates for seed
Vigilance needed to
overcome glyphosate resistance
Rhizoctonia alert on
cereal crops in Australia
Australian OGTR: DIR
090 - Commercial release of rose genetically modified for
altered flower colour
Cotton Seed Distributors, Web on
Wednesday: Cotton
Choices options available from Monsanto
Australian cereal rust report:
Early rust detections
for the 2009 season
Australian canola and
soybean crop report
Cotton Seed Distributors, Web on
Wednesday: Trial
results update; Classing update; Sicot 71RRF case study
Centre for Plant
Conservation Genetics to develop molecular tools to dissect the
molecular control of hybrid vigour in cereal crops
Partnership model
agreed as best future for AgResearch and Lincoln University
Australian OGTR:
DIR 093 - Limited and
controlled release of wheat and barley genetically modified for
altered grain starch composition
Tomato yellow leaf
curl virus in Queensland, Australia
New website for
Cereal Rust Reports
Agriculture the
strongest performer in Australian economy
May 09
The Crop Doctor:
Fusarium: a lot of
resistance emerging as a new threat in Australia’s wheatbelt
Australian OGTR:
DIR 092 - Limited
and controlled release of wheat genetically modified for
altered grain composition
Australian canola
growers urged to manage blackleg risk this season
Cereal rust poses a
clear and present danger in Western Australia
inspection officers are ready for Western Australia's first
GM canola trials
Australian canola
and soybean crop report
Department of Primary Industries forges global alliance with
Dow AgroSciences for crop innovation
Three new
principals join Kincannon & Reed Global Executive Search
World wheat groups
say biotech in sync is the goal
Australian and US farm groups want biotech wheat
Win win for grain
growers and Nuffield Farming Scholarships
Timely tips for
successful lupins
Innovative new
techniques to aid insect pest control
Australian OGTR:
DIR 094 - Limited
and controlled release of wheat and barley genetically
modified for enhanced nutrient utilisation efficiency
MAF Biosecurity New
Zealand issues minor amendment to the Hordeum and
Triticum schedules within the import health standard
Help prevent
fungicide resistance
National Farmers' Federation shocked and dismayed by ag R&D
Richard Mulcahy
appointed CEO of AUSVEG
April 09
CEO of Western
Australia's Council of Grain Grower Organisations Ltd (COGGO) to
Hybrid lupin is world
first for Western Australian researchers
ABARE starts second
survey of Australian vegetable growers
University of
Queensland's ARC Centre of Excellence in Integrative Legume
Research branches out into pea fuel
International Plant Phenomics Symposium
MAF Biosecurity
New Zealand issues minor amendment to an import health
standard: 155.02.05 - Importation of Seed for Sowing
New Wheat Variety
Classification Panel appointed in Australia
Research on GM
canola underway in Western Australia
Wheat viruses in
New Zealand, first reports
Australia Ltd releases final results from a survey of its
2008 Roundup Ready canola growers
New tool for the
genetic analysis of frost tolerance in cereals
GRDC review
shapes next round of variety trials
March 09
Leaf rust alert on
soybeans in New South Wales, Australia
MAF Biosecurity New
Zealand: Proposed IHS amendment Processed Animal Feeds of Plant
GRDC and Australian
Oilseeds Federation release GM canola case studies
High amylose wheat
variety promises health benefits for consumers
Australian OGTR:
DIR 093 - Limited and
controlled release of wheat and barley genetically modified for
altered grain starch composition
Nufarm reports a
first half operating profit of A$65.2m and reaffirms full year
earnings guidance
Safflower potential
under investigation in northern Queensland
Climate change may
wake up ‘sleeper’ weeds
Executive search firm
Kincannon & Reed adds four new principals to its international
History sheds
revealing light on crop sequencing
Early bird
registrations close this Friday for the 2009 Australian
Vegetable Industry Conference
Food Standards
Australia New Zealand seeks public comment on safety evaluation
of new GM food
Australian OGTR: DIR 092 -
Limited and
controlled release of wheat genetically modified for altered
grain composition
Australian grain
growers should carefully note that label changes will affect how
they manage fungicide resistance
Australian sunflower
and soybean crop report
MAF Biosecurity New
Zealand takes action regarding GM brassica trial
Wheat rusts in Kenya,
India, Australia
Australian cereal rust report:
Stripe rust responses
of Australian wheat varieties, 2009
New Zealand's
AgResearch and Lincoln University consider a merger
New GrainGuard
co-ordinator for Western Australia
First reports of
tomato torrado virus in Panama and Australia
Australian cereal rust report:
Australia cereal
cultivar pedigree and seedling rust genotype information
Australian farm
exports forecast to rise despite global downturn
Government appoints Dr Joe Smith as the new Gene Technology
February 09
Acuerdo entre la
Asociación de Cooperativas Argentinas y la compańía neozelandesa
PGG-Wrightson Seeds
Cotton Seed Distributors, Web on
Wednesday: Becker
Underwood inoculation
identify a wheat gene sequence which provides protection against
leaf rust, stripe rust and powdery mildew
DAFWA agricultural
scientist Dr Bill Bowden is GRDC Western Region Seed of Light
University of
Western Australia agricultural science PhD student to study
potential problems of abnormal chromosome associations in Super
Brassica plants
Australian cereal rust report:
Responses of
Australian triticales to stripe rust
Malting barley
Baudin and Gairdner remain popular with growers in Western
Cotton Seed Distributors, Web on
Whitefly management update 2009
Professor Kadambot
Siddique, whose work pioneered the Australian chickpea industry,
honored by the Indian Society of Pulse Research and Development
Australian canola,
sunflower and soybean crop report
Panel to discuss
GM canola at Western Australia Agribusiness Crop Updates
Impact of the
global financial turmoil on Australian agriculture
Root lesion
nematode research to aid crop management
Waagan wheat,
a high yielding ASW variety for south-western New South
Wales - Seed available for 2009 sowing
Clover root
weevil spreads further into South Otago, New Zealand
Department of
Agriculture releases CSIRO report on biofuel production in
Western Australia
January 09
vegetable farm profitability improved in 2006-07
Australia's 2009 Agribusiness Crop Updates kicks off in
GRDC The Crop Doctor:
Just imagine
Undiagnosed mould
on barley in Western Australia
Australian canola
and sunflower crop report
GM canola trials in
Australia - too early to tell
Cotton Seed Distributors, Web on
Wednesday: Trial
Best practice
for Roundup Ready canola
Trim seeds to fight
Fusarium head
blight detected in small number of wheat and barley samples in
Western Australia
Cotton Seed Distributors, Facts on
Friday: Plant
monitoring for high yields
Canola Breeders
Western Australia Pty. Ltd. supports new technology for canola
Australian OGTR:
DIR 089 - Limited and controlled release of white clover
genetically modified to resist infection by Alfalfa mosaic virus
Blackleg on canola
in Southern Australia
Cotton Seed Distributors, Web on Wednesday:
Adapting to
climate change
fleabane emerges as a weed of broadacre crops on Western
Australia’s south coast
December 08
Western Australia
approves limited commercial-size trials for GM canola
Western Australian
government’s decision to allow GM canola in 2009 provides
growers with the opportunity to assess new plant varieties which
deliver sustainability benefits
Australian cereal rust report:
Stripe rust survey
Australian canola,
sunflower and soybean crop report
Co-existence of GM
and non-GM crops in Australia
Australian OGTR:
DIR 093 - Limited
and controlled release of wheat and barley genetically modified
for altered grain starch composition
AWB Limited ceases
merger discussions with ABB Grain Limited
Growing Roundup
Ready canola in Australia's eastern states
Indonesia looks to
Western Australia’s seed potatoes
Australian lupin growers encouraged to have seed tested for
manganese levels before next season
Australian OGTR
- DIR 087:
Limited and controlled release of cotton genetically
modified for insect resistance and herbicide tolerance
- DIR 092:
Limited and controlled release of wheat genetically modified
for altered grain composition
New Near
Infrared Calibrations technology increases energy yield by
16-25% per hectare in new triticale varieties
and Crop & Food Research merge to form New Zealand Institute
for Plant and Food Research
Local seed is
not necessarily the best for revegetation, says CSIRO Plant
Industry scientist
Australian OGTR:
DIR 086/2008 -
Limited and controlled release of maize genetically modified
to investigate gene function
Nature names
CSIRO crop researcher as one of five crop researchers who
could change the world
Technical Manager for Australian Oilseeds and Cotton reports
on the first year of Roundup Ready canola growing in
Victoria and New South Wales
November 08
identifies wheat stem rust Ug99 in a consignment of wheat seed
from Ethiopia
Tasmania’s ban on
the commercial release of GM food crops to continue until
November 2014
Grains Council of
Australia supports the development of genetically modified crops
modified crops: tools for insect pest and weed control in cotton
and canola
AWB Ltd in merger
discussions with ABB Grain Ltd
ERMA New Zealand
approves application from Crop and Food Research to field test
genetically modified vegetables of the allium family
Raising the bar
with better canola agronomy
Coleoptile counts
in barley breeding
Tasmania’s ban on
the commercial release of GM food crops to continue for at least
until the end of November 2014
Increasing grain
yield and improving adaptation of pearl lupin (Lupinus
canola crop report
Cotton Seed Distributors, Web on Wednesday:
Movement on the
resistance front exposes wheat killers
Caution urged for
Queensland potato growers following Victoria outbreak of potato
cyst nematode
Cotton Seed Distributors, Facts on
Friday: Varieties
with the Liberty Link trait from Bayer CropScience offer
Australian growers a unique integrated weed management tool
Australia lifts moratorium on commercial production of GM
Wheat variety
upgrades for Eastern Australia
GRDC, The Crop Doctor:
cropping favours cereal cyst nematode
cereal rust report, November 2008: Stripe rust pathotype
‘Jackie Yr27’ detected for the first time
GRDC's Crop Doctor:
Myth busting
false lupin logic
October 08
Crop & Food
Research introduces AmaizeN, a new crop management tool for
maize grain and silage production
Aphids cause havoc
for canola producers in New South Wales
University of
Adelaide researchers identify new sources of stem and leaf rust
resistance in wild grasses relatives of wheat
Australian OGTR:
DIR 091 -
Commerical release of cotton genetically modified for insect
resistance (Widestrike Insect Protection cotton)
Australian agriculture by protecting plant innovation
Australian OGTR:
DIR 085/2008 -
Limited and controlled release of cotton genetically modified
for altered fatty acid composition of the cottonseed oil
Farmer trading now
permitted for Vlamingh barley seed in Western Australia
Australian cereal rust report:
False black chaff
in wheats carrying the stem rust resistance gene Sr2
Potato cyst
nematode found in Gippsland, Victoria, Australia
Murdoch University
of Western Australia and Taif University of Saudi Arabia team up
on barley breeding
Agreement with USDA
simplifies seed trade with Australia
Department of
Agriculture and Food grains extension officer Ian Pritchard to
oversee pulse breeding in Western Australia
OGTR: DIR 089 -
Limited and controlled release of white clover genetically
modified to resist infection by Alfalfa mosaic virus
New Zealand's new
GM regulations give greater assurances
canola crop report
Cotton Seed Distributors, Web on
Wednesday: '25
years of insecticide resistance management'
New wheat weapons
in Western Australian growers arsenal
Twin sowing, a new
technique for sowing legume pastures
GRDC fact sheet
"Rust Management" recommends verifying wheat and barley
varieties for rust resistance
OGTR: DIR 087 -
Limited and controlled release of cotton genetically modified
for insect resistance and herbicide tolerance
blight on highlands chickpeas in Queensland, Australia
continues to develop as an important market for Australian
Australia Ag Department widening the search for exotic grain
Maki: New high
yielding better disease resistant field pea released for
central/northern New South Wales and southern Queensland
prevention: best bet when waging war on rust
Mandelup magic
for the northern wheatbelt of Western Australia
September 08
Australian OGTR:
New biology
document - The Biology of Zea mays ssp mays (maize or corn) in
Australian OGTR:
DIR 086/2008 -
Limited and controlled release of maize genetically modified to
investigate gene function
management fact sheet - September 2008
Australian Grain
Technologies releases Hyperno, high yielding and high quality
durum wheat Northern New South Wales and Queensland
Australian Grain
Technologies releases new wheat variety
Sunvex, new APH
Sunvale replacement with improved rust resistance and yellow
leaf spot tolerance
Crop & Food
Research and HortResearch to merge
Australian Grain
Technologies launches two new rust resistant wheat varieties
Nufarm Limited
announces full year results for the period ending July 31, 2008
Department of
Agriculture, Western Australia undertakes research on how cereal
crops respond to frost
Lupins at a
crossroads in Western Australia
Professorial Fellowship in Plant Breeding marks revival of plant
breeding education at Massey and Lincoln Universities, New
Genesis Research
announces Microsoft global support for Cartesian software, now
marketed as SLIM Search
Flag smut on
wheat in South Australia
On the brink of a
new agricultural revolution
Making the case
for a glyphosate tolerant lupin
New publication
for Western Australian lupin farmers
081/2007 - Limited and controlled release of cotton genetically
modified for enhanced water use efficiency
Outbreak of
stripe rust on grain crops in northeastern Victoria,
New Zealand
genomics infrastructure will accelerate research
canola crop report
barley: a new malt barley variety for Western Australia
cereal rust report, September 2008
CB Argyle,
the latest variety from Canola Breeders Western Australia,
to be available for sowing in 2009
Digest - Crop & Food Research's quarterly newsletter
- Developing
plants with better roots
- NZ$10
million annual investment in crop and food research
shines through at Saturn Biotech
Western Australia:
barley variety receival recommendations developed for the
2009-10 harvest
New model to
forecast risk of bean yellow mosaic virus
Stem rust on
wheat in Western Australia
Australian OGTR:
DIR 084/2008
- Limited and controlled release of torenia genetically
modified for enhanced phosphate uptake
encourages New Zealanders to have their say about its
genetic modification proposals
Helping grain
growers fight an army of pests
August 08
University of
Western Australia to establish International Centre for Plant
Breeding Education and Research
New Zealand Crop &
Food Research and HortResearch to investigate possible merger
Outbreak of
Ascochyta blight on chickpeas in Queensland, Australia
Stemming the spread
of stem rust in Western Australia
First report of Iris
yellow spot virus on onions in New Zealand and Serbia
Australian OGTR:
DIR 085/2008 -
Limited and controlled release of cotton genetically modified
for altered fatty acid composition of the cottonseed oil
Variety purity
management tips for Western Australia's malting barley growers
Council of Grain
Grower Organisations Ltd (COGGO) to join Grains Council of
Australian cereal rust report,
season 2008
Australian canola
crop report
Western Australia to
test implementation of grower-based malting barley variety
purity testing
Viel versprechende Ergebnisse der
Freilandversuche mit trockentolerantem Weizen in Australien
Promising results
with drought-tolerant wheat in Australia
CSIRO enlisted to
avert global wheat supply crisis
Plant research
branches out at the University of Queensland
Découverte du rôle
d'une nouvelle hormone végétale dans la ramification des plantes
- DIR 089 -
Notification of Licence Application - Limited and controlled
release of white clover genetically modified to resist infection
by Alfalfa mosaic virus
DIR 083/2007 -
Limited and controlled release of cotton genetically modified
for enhanced waterlogging tolerance
Barley variety guide
for Western Australia 2008
DuPont and Hexima
Ltd. partner to develop and commercialize fungal disease
resistance technology
Food Standards
Australia New Zealand invite public submissions on proposed
changes to the food code
Australia Ag Department submits two barley varieties for
commercial malting and brewing accreditation
July 08
ERMA New Zealand
Consultation - Proposed changes to Regulation of GM Crop Management
ERMA New Zealand releases
report on Crop & Food Research application to field test GM plants of
the allium family
Collaborative research project between University of Western Australia
and Oman's Sultan Qaboos University
Plant science ‘research hotel’ launched in Canberra, Australia
Australia: Cereal Rust
season 2007-08 and Cereal Rust Report 2008
Mystery bacteria found in New Zealand linked to potato disease in the US
Australia changes import requirements for tomato seed regarding Potato
Tuber Spindle Viroid (PTSV)
- DIR 082/2007 - Limited and
controlled release of perennial ryegrass and tall fescue genetically
modified for improved forage qualities
DIR 087 - Limited
and controlled release of cotton genetically modified for
insect resistance and herbicide tolerance
GRDC, The Crop Doctor:
Lupins for health
and wealth
Australian OGTR:
DIR 081/2007 -
Limited and controlled release of cotton genetically
modified for enhanced water use efficiency
continues to test drought-resistant GM wheat
MAF Biosecurity
New Zealand issues provisional import health standard
155.02.06: Importation of Nursery Stock
Cotton Seed
Distributors variety performance comparison tool
Stripe rust on
wheat in Queensland and New South Wales, Australia
Cotton Seed Distributors, Web on
- New varieties
for 2008
- Seed
treatments 2008
Bacterial disease
affects oat crops in Western Australia
Australian canola
and sunflower crop report
Australian drought
report pushes alarm bells
Australian grain
growers are consulted on new wheat variety classification
Limagrain, through
its plant breeding subsidiary Vilmorin & Cie, purchases a
25% minority interest in Australian Grain Technologies (AGT)
Vilmorin renforce son expertise en blé en entrant au
capital d'Australian Grain Technologies
Proteome Systems
grants exclusive license to Bayer CropScience for the use of
PXL’s DiagnostIQ test device for innovative applications in
two agricultural fields
The Crop Doctor:
Weed Seed Wizard's
wonderful weed decisions
Australian OGTR:
DIR 084/2008 - Limited and controlled release of torenia
genetically modified for enhanced phosphate uptake
Cereal diseases:
Net blotch on barley in South Australia
GRDC's Pestlinks
website aims to deliver regionally specific information to
identified stakeholder groups
June 08
Australian OGTR:
DIR 080/2007 - Limited
and controlled release of wheat genetically modified for drought
Cereal rust in New
South Wales, Australia
CSIRO releases report
on climate change impacts and adaptation options for Australian
Western Australia
Ag Department cautions that re-seeding canola is not a
viable option
Fungicide still
required for disease resistant chickpeas
wheat developed in Victoria, Australia show yields up 20 per
cent in first trials
Identifying wheat
cultivars that will perform well in drought and compacted
soil conditions
Unlocking the
genome of world’s worst insect pest
Larger Australian
winter grains crop in prospect
New high-fibre
barley licensed to grow - Food manufacturers will soon have
access to a new CSIRO-bred barley variety which has
significant human health benefits
Australian OGTR:
DIR 086/2008 -
Notification of Licence Application - Limited and controlled
release of maize genetically modified to investigate gene
Australian canola,
sunflower and soybean crop report
University of
Adelaide researcher leads Australian project to increase
iron content in rice and other cereal grains
The Asia & Pacific
Seed Association welcomes Dr. Zenaida Nisperos Ganga as its
new Deputy Director
Australia's cereal success story
AUSVEG announces
‘first of its kind’ business management program tailored to
the needs of Australian vegetable growers
New Zealand's
Environmental Risk Management Authority plans GM crops
OGTR: Issue of licence
DIR 077/2007 to the University of Adelaide for a limited and
controlled release of wheat and barley genetically modified
for enhanced tolerance to abiotic stresses or increased beta
First reports of
cereal rusts in Australia for 2008
New lupin
varieties released in Australia
New bacterium
detected fresh tomatoes and capsicums in the North Island of
New Zealand
- New
Liberibacter pathogen on hot-house tomato and capsicum
in New Zealand
OGTR: DIR 083/2007 -
Limited and controlled release of cotton genetically
modified for enhanced waterlogging tolerance
May 08
Australian OGTR:
DIR 082/2007 -
Invitation to comment on a consultation Risk Assessment and
Risk Management Plan for the limited and controlled release
of perennial ryegrass and tall fescue genetically modified
for improved forage qualities
Redlegged earth
mite populations on two Western Australia properties found
to have major resistance to widely used synthetic pyrethroid
Environment-friendly tools for New Zealand lettuce growers
The Crop Doctor:
National Invertebrate Pest Initiative (NIPI) to foster
grower adoption of integrated pest management practices for
invertebrate pests in the grains industry
ABARE report shows
that GM crops can provide significant economic benefits to
Australian regions
ABARE to survey
vegetable growers across Australia
New Zealand
Ministry of Agriculture reissues import health standard for
seed for sowing
The Crop Doctor:
Integrated weed
control is hard to resist
Australian germplasm could
give U.S. sunflowers improved resistance to fungal diseases
estadounidenses podrían recibir ayuda de Australia contra
According to
Australia's National Farmers’ Federation, the 2008 federal
budget addresses major challenges Australian agriculture
must overcome, unlocks capacity for economic growth
Australian Oilseeds Federation:
Canola and
sunflower crop report
Brasil e Austrália
ampliam cooperaçăo em biotecnologia agrícola
Course to assist
Western Australian farmers in identification of crop and
pasture plant diseases
Wyalkatchem a
winner in wheat variety trials on Western Australia’s south
AUSVEG announces
the 2009 Australian Vegetable Industry Conference
Australian ag
biotech company Gramina is developing a grass that will cut
the amount of methane cows burp up and grow in hotter climes
Early sown canola
could escape serious blackleg infection, says the Department
of Agriculture, Western Australia
April 08
GRDC offers three
scholarships to Australian graingrowers through the Nuffield
Australia Farming Scholars
Australian OGTR:
DIR 085/2008 -
Notification of Licence Application - Limited and controlled
release of cotton genetically modified for altered fatty acid
composition of the cottonseed oil
Australian OGTR: Fact
sheet - Status of GM canola approvals, April 2008
Government launches
A$205 million program to secure the future of farming in
Victoria, Australia, including the development of new
generations of drought, cold and salt resistant crops
Gene function
scientists at South Australian Research and Development
Institute (SARDI) take guesswork out of breeding new line of
non-GM pastures
Controlling wheat
curl mite, Aceria tosichella, which transmits Wheat
Streak Mosaic Virus
University of Western
Australia welcomes Iranian input into barley breeding
Food Standards
Australia New Zealand seeks public comment on genetically
modified corn
Australian Grain
Technologies releases two new feed grade wheat varieties with
top rust resistance
Shining the light on
sunflowers in Australia
Australian OGTR: DIR
080/2007 - Limited and controlled release of wheat genetically
modified for drought tolerance
Kaspa, the friendly
field pea from the Pulse Breeding Australia program
Zinc link made in
barley breeding
Oilseeds Federation: Sunflower and soybean crop report
Invasive weed
giant Parthenium hysterophorus found in Kimberley,
Western Australia
ERMA New Zealand
receives application from Crop and Food Research to field
test GM onions, spring onions, garlic and leeks
Australian grain growers urged to consider strategic ‘at
planting’ fungicide treatment as part of three-pronged
strategy for combating cereal rust
Climate change
moderates salinity in Western Australian agricultural areas
Brighter outlook
for sunflowers in northern New South Wales and Queensland
More than 100
farmers to plant GM canola in Victoria, Australia
National Variety Trials implements standardised disease
resistance ratings
The Crop Doctor:
Ramping up the
green bridge
Australian OGTR:
DIR 077/2007 - Limited and controlled release of wheat and
barley genetically modified for enhanced tolerance to
abiotic stresses or increased beta glucan
AUSVEG appoints
new chairman
Developing field
pea varieties with resistance to black spot caused by
Mycosphaerella pinodes
A growing
investment in climate change
March 08
GRDC publishes 2008
barley variety guide for Victoria, South Australia and New South
InterGrain: a new
West Australian wheat breeding company
Nufarm reports
substantial increase in sales and operating profit
Useful sources of
resistance to white rust disease, caused by Albugo candida,
identified in Brassica juncea germplasm from Australia,
China and India
University of Western
Australia researchers 'ion' out wheat toxicity issue
New bladder clover,
chosen for its hard seededness and high seed productivity, is
full of promise
University of Queensland's
interactive CD helps native flower industry bloom
Australia's Wheat
Industry Expert Group: Public consultation begins on industry
development functions
Department of
Agriculture and Food, Western Australia releases Wheat Variety
Guide 2008
GRDC helps facilitate
sustainable wheat breeding
Australian Oilseeds Federation:
Sunflower and
soybean crop report
Policy to keep
silverleaf whitefly out of the Kimberley region of Western
Wheat breeding,
Western Australian style
Tearless onion
discovery hits the headlines
February 08
Record grain sorghum
crop likely in Australia
Farmers in
Victoria, Australia to get choice on GM canola
Australian OGTR:
DIR 084/2008 - -
Notification of Licence Application - Limited and controlled
release of torenia genetically modified for enhanced phosphate
Cotton Seed Distributors Web on
Wednesday: CSD's
Dave Kelly talks with Monsanto's Mark Oppenheizer and Eric Cerny
about some of there up and coming technologies
researchers identify useful sources of resistance to white rust
in Brassica juncea mustard germplasm
Australian OGTR:
DIR 083/2007 -
Notification of licence application - Limited and controlled
release of cotton genetically modified for enhanced waterlogging
Oilseeds Federation: Canola and sunflower crop report
New strain of
white blister on brassicas in Queensland, Australia
introduction of virus testing into the seed potato certification
schemes of Western Australia
Future climate to
impact wheat production in Western Australia
Five major summer
crop industries agree to hold a combined conference
New canola
varieties prove more flexible and profitable for Western
Australian growers
Espada, Australian
Grain Technologies' new wheat variety, produces high, stable
Vlamingh barley
shows plenty of promise in Western Australia
Redlegged Earth
Mite (Halotydeus destructor) resistance to insecticides
spurs search for control options
Barley variety
Buloke approved for malting and brewing status in Australia
Australia's Ag Department reminds graingrowers to have seed
between AUSVEG and the Australian Hydroponic and Greenhouse
Association beneficial for vegetable industry
Western Australian
GM wheat start-up NemGenix secures venture capital
OGTR: DIR 082/2007
- Limited and controlled release of perennial ryegrass and tall
fescue genetically modified for improved forage qualities
magazine announces New Zealand “tearless onion” breakthrough
January 08
Centre for Legumes
In Mediterranean Agriculture (CLIMA) consolidates its third
phase as a research centre within the University of Western
OGTR: DIR 081/2007
- Limited and controlled release of cotton genetically modified
for enhanced water use efficiency
SGS MidWest Seed
Services announces approval by Australian Quarantine and
Inspection Service
Department of
Agriculture, Western Australia hosts forum to discuss the future
of the wheat industry
OGTR: DIR 080/2007
- Limited and controlled release of wheat genetically modified
for drought tolerance
vegetable seed company Apex Seeds discontinues operations
on Wednesday:
Cotton leaf curl study tour in Pakistan
University of
Queensland PhD study finds that benefits outweigh risks from
genetically modified plants
Industry’s Dr Greg Constable receives “Outstanding Research in
Cotton Physiology Award”
Australian Oilseeds
Federation: Canola, sunflower and soybean crop report
GRDC levy remains
working for Australian grain growers
New Zealand
approves genetically modified high-lysine corn for animals
Disease resistant
crop varieties head the ‘most wanted’ list for Australian
GRDC's The Crop Doctor:
Positive pea
GRDC calls for
pre-emptive pre-breeding strategies to address the potential
threat of Russian wheat aphid, Diuraphis noxia
December 07
Statement by the
Australian Academy of Science on gene technology and GM plants
2007: A frustrating
year for Australian farmers
Breeding better
canolas for Western Australian growers
cereal rust report, season 2007: Responses of Australian
triticales to stripe rust
University of
Western Australia collaborates with Zhejiang University and
Huazhong Agricultural University on a project on breeding
super brassicas for increased oil seed and/or vegetable
the impacts that climate change is having on the Australian
cotton industry
opportunities are emerging for new wheat varieties being
developed under the AUSGRAINZ alliance between CSIRO Plant
Industry and New Zealand’s Crop & Food Research
OGTR: DIR 077/2007
- Notification of Licence Application - Limited and
controlled release of wheat and barley genetically modified
for enhanced tolerance to abiotic stresses or increased beta
Plant Pest Database improved to protect agriculture
Responses of
Australian wheat varieties to stripe rust
Cotton Seed Distributors CEO Peter Graham about Cotton
Breeding Australia (CBA)
Memorandum of
Understanding opens up new horizons for the vegetable
industry in Australia's Northern Territory
Food Standards
Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) invites comments on a number
of applications to amend the Australia New Zealand Food
Standards Code
Canola and
sunflower crop
Will Western
Australia's wheat yield weather climate change?
disease-beating wheat
Government of
Victoria, Australia reaches agreement with La Trobe
University to build a $230 million agricultural biosciences
research centre
export earnings up despite drought and strong dollar
markets for canola hay and prices above A$500 per tonne for
canola grain put the oilseed back on the agenda for
Australian growers
agriculture to climate change
November 07
University of
Adelaide scientists identify the major gene responsible for
boron toxicity tolerance in barley
election signals world wheat marketing change
CSIRO report
confirms that biodiesel could reduce greenhouse gas emissions
Breeding better
New South
Wales to end moratorium on GM canola
- GM canola choice
for New South Wales farmers
welcomes decision by New South Wales and Victoria to lift
their moratoria on the commercial production of GM canola
ABB Grain
announces A$7.3M full year profit
Varietal purity of
barley is essential for 2008 crop, says Department of
Agriculture, Western Australia
Long-term trial
demonstrates the potential yield and profit advantages that a GM
canola variety offers Australian grain growers
Canola and
Australian Farming Systems 2003-2007 - New report indicates that
Australian grain growers are missing out on A$157 million
University of
Queensland researchers examine new trend of patenting plant
innovations and determining its value to the Australian
horticulture industry
Australian growers
can access more than a decade of national varietal herbicide
tolerance trial results on the National Variety Trials (NVT)
Australian Grain
Technologies releases new triticale varieties
Australian Oilseeds Federation:
Canola crop
Delivering new
herbicide options to Australian sunflower growers
Australian OGTR:
DIR 074/2007 -
Limited and Controlled release of GM insect resistant and/or
herbicide tolerant Gossypium barbadense cotton
modelling suggests 'strategic' seradella
Blossom blight
on eggplant - Fiji
Cotton Catchment Communities CRC appoints Philip Armytage as
its new CEO
Cotton Seed Distributors Facts
on Friday:
Management of Liberty Link cotton
October 07
ABARE issues
special update to its quarterly Australian Crop Report with
drought update
Monsanto Australia
granted a Permit to extend the Bollgard II planting windows for
this season
Australian cereal rust report,
season 2007
Syngenta starts
research partnership in Australia for sugarcane biomass
conversion to biofuels
Syngenta geht
Forschungspartnerschaft in Australien ein zur Umwandlung von
Zuckerrohr-Biomasse in Biotreibstoffe
Syngenta conclut un
partenariat de recherche en Australie pour la transformation de
la biomasse du sucre de canne en biocarburant
establishes export wheat commission
Australia's Grain
Research and Development Corporation sees the CRC National Plant
Biosecurity as secure investment
End point royalty
increase Wyalkatchem wheat
Western Australia's
Grain Licensing Authority approves barley licences
COGGO and Grain
Biotech Australia open seed trading arrangements of wheat
variety GBA Sapphire
University of
Western Australia researchers tackle energy crisis with plants
Indian and
Australian scientists collaborate for better wheat
Australian banks
and wheat farmers look at drought long-term
Arcadia Biosciences
and Australian research organizations enter research and
commercial license agreement for development of nitrogen use
efficient wheat
Warmer weather
slows down stripe rust in Western Australia
Stripe rust
'streaking' ahead in Western Australia
National feedgrains
summit to address the critical situation facing Australia's
feedgrain-dependant industries
Australian Oilseeds Federation:
Canola crop report
coordination meeting of FAO and IAEA to meet in Perth, Western
Australian rainfall
– a view of the future
Food Standards
Australia New Zealand seeks public comment on proposed changes
to the food code
McCutcheon to head Food Standards Australia New Zealand
New projections
for Australia’s changing climate
cotton growers call on government to ensure industry
September 07
Joerg Ellmanns to
head up Bayer CropScience Australia
Presence of wheat
streak mosaic virus confirmed in Tasmania, Australia
Industry and Cotton Seed Distributors Ltd form the Cotton
Breeding Australia joint venture
the Potato Processors Association of Australian to work
together to enhance the potato industry’s future
Prime Minister’s Prize for Science awarded to two CSIRO
scientists for their discovery and development of a gene
silencing mechanism
Study finds
widespread multiple herbicide resistant annual ryegrass in
Western Australia
New high
yielding narrow-leafed lupin for Western Australia's
southern coastal areas
New triticale
varieties offer Australian farmers more choice for winter
Australian Oilseeds
Federation: Canola crop
Dry winter
slashes Australian crop forecast
frost risk in cereal crops in Australia
Zealand says that Crop and Food Research GM onions research
has not breached biosecurity rules
Cotton Seed Distributors, Web
on Wednesday:
Marketing considerations for dryland cotton
073/2007 - Limited and Controlled release of GM insect
resistant and insect resistant/herbicide tolerant cotton
Australian barley growers understand new variety
developments and the latest crop agronomy
Developing a
new test to determine the levels of wheat streak mosaic
virus in bulk seed lots
PGG Wrightson
Seeds and the New Zealand Institute for Crop & Food Research
launch forage brassicas joint venture
Australian OGTR:
Invitation to
comment on a consultation risk assessment and risk
management plan for the limited and controlled release fo GM
insect resistant and/or herbicide tolerant Gossypium
barbadense cotton: DIR 074/2007
cereal rust report, season 2007
New lupin
variety joins the fight again Black Pod Syndrome in Western
University of
Western Australia research will help canola breeders fast
track breeding of more blackleg resistant varieties
Apex Seeds
appoints Ray Osburn as Asian Sales Manager based in
Shanghai, China
University of
Queensland introduces three new drought and cold hardy plant
native blooms from the Queensland bush
Wheat Export Marketing Alliance announces establishment of
new Single Desk wheat marketing
August 07
detects herbicide resistance: new molecular tool developedby
Australian and Japanese researchers
developments and market situation and outlook for Australia’s
grains and oilseeds sector
Survey indicates
that Australian canola growers want GM choice
Stripe rust in wheat
and wheat streak mosaic in Southern and Western Australia
Dow AgroSciences and
Hexima Limited collaborate on cotton seed development
Reports of bacterial
stripe blight in oats in Western Australia
Understanding how
new wheat varieties respond to photoperiod and vernalisation
Providing solutions
for greater control of necrotrophic fungal pathogen resistance
in legumes
Fungal diseases on
wheat and pulses in South Australia
A National Market
Access Framework for GM Canola and Future GM Crops
Western Autralian
farmers urged to look for signs of stripe rust and wheat streak
mosaic virus
Ukrainian grain
venture with Groupe Soufflet extends ABB Grain's global presence
South Australian
Government funding to secure Adelaide’s largest plant genetics
research centre
Australia's Wheat
Export Marketing Alliance to create new wheat export single desk
business model
Communique of the
Australian Gene Technology Technical Advisory Committee meeting
of 15 May 2007
Cotton Australia
applies biotechnology to slash the amount of water needed to
grow cotton
Storage and testing of farm stored cotton seed
GM oilseed crops and
the Australian oilseed industry
Brassicas for food,
fuel or fiction?
Biomarker mapper
finds its way to the Western Australia State Agricultural
Biotechnology Centre at Murchoch University
New website
showcases Australia’s rice industry
farmers want state governments to end GM moratoria
GM Canola: An
Information Package - New Australian report backs GM crops
Government panel
to review moratorium on commercial plantings of GM crops in
New South Wales
Food Standards
Australia New Zealand considers a new GM food and other
changes to food laws
Australia responds to criticisms of the survey of public
attitudes towards biotechnology
foods could soon have highly targeted nutritional roles
through advances in gene technology
Australian grains
industry is gearing up for GM canola
The Grains
Research and Development Corporation, Australia's peak
grains body, informs the GM debate
Future crops may
hinge on gene rescue
New reference
for Australian farmers in GM crop debate
Australia releases GM cotton report for public comment
Australian cereal rust report,
season 2007
Native flower
producers’ chance to grow
July 07
GRDC signs strategic
alliance agreement with ICARDA
Chickpea - the
profitable break crop
Big boost for high
fibre grains research: Australian research alliance to develop
new grain varieties with tailored fibre content
Australia report indicates that environmental concerns boost
support for GM crops in Australia
NZ$37 million contract
provides research capability for New Zealand horticulture
industry’s vision for export business
University of Adelaide
and ABB Grain join forces to develop new barley varieties
Grains Research and
Development Corporation's new website delivers faster key
research, development and extension results
Lincoln University
research teams are set to lead the way on smart seeds
Rhizoctonia root rot
discovered on the western side of South Australia's Eyre
New South Wales
Farmers’ Association supports the removal of the current GM
Australian Oilseeds
Federation crop report: Canola 2007/08
Climate and better
yield are among the research priorities of the Australian
grains industry
GRDC's The Crop Doctor:
PGG Wrightson to
purchase AgarCross Uruguay SA
Cotton Seed
Distributors introduce Sicot 75, new variety for 2007
New Zealand:
Review of the
‘winter window’ import pathway for fruit fly hosts of
Bactrocera cucumis (cucumber fruit fly)
June 07
PGG Wrightson to
purchase Australian seed distributor Auswest Seeds
Important changes to
gene technology legislation take effect on 1 July 2007
Barrel medic with more
durable forms of aphid resistance
Cotton Seed Distributors
- Sicot 70BRF - A New
Variety For 2007
- New varieties for 2007
Community in Western
Australia asked to look out for Noogoora Burr seed
Australian and Chinese
researchers join forces to improve climate adaptation strategies
and pass on the subsequent benefits to growers
Downy mildew has
returned to Western Australia’s southern cropping areas,
infecting canola crops
New lupin variety with
high level of resistance to black pod syndrome
research into the link between seed growth and smoke
Pacific Seeds
International Division changies its name to Advanta
Australian Council of
Deans of Agriculture established
AgResearch appoints Dr
Travis Glare as new General Manager of Science Strategy
Collaboration with
Chinese and Indian scientists could benefit Australia's canola
oilseed industry
Weedseeker technology
limits wild radish seed set in wheat crops
Stripe rust on wheat -
USA, Australia
State and territory
moratoriums on GM crops are placing Australia’s agricultural
sector at risk
University of Western
Australia's GM lupin lines ready for evaluation when current
moratorium on GM crops is lifted
Office of the Australian Gene
Technology Regulator:
Notification of decision to issue a licence on application -
Application No. DIR 071/2006 Limited and Controlled release of
GM drought tolerant wheat
AgResearch and The
University of Queensland to jointly fund new Chair in
Systems Thinking and Practice - Trans-Tasman partnership to
solve complex problems in agriculture
Three phase power
to spark the Centre for Legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture
Australian Oilseeds
Federation: Canola, soybean
and sunflower crop report
joint venture research project produces experimental wheat
variety with 70 per cent amylose content
Australian OGTR:
Invitation to comment on a consultation risk assessment and
risk management plan for the limited and controlled release
of GM insect resistant and insect resistant/herbicide
tolerant cotton: DIR 073/2007
May 07
Crop & Food Research
welcomes ERMA decision to allow a contained field test of GM
ERMA New Zealand
places strict controls on GM brassica test
Blackleg management
strategies help canola growers
The good oil on mustard
CSIRO Plant Industry
and AgResearch sign collaborative agreement
Vibha Agrotech Ltd.
signs a research agreement with Australian Centre for Plant
Functional Genomics
Victorian barley is a
boon for growers in northern New South Wales and southern
Winter Cereals
Pre-Breeding Alliance established to promote collaboration among
Australian cereal pre-breeders
Australia, China and
India collaborate in canola breeding, pathology and agronomy
Advancing the
application of genomics technologies for the selection and
development of high quality grains, including wheat and barley
Short season wheats
deliver in Western Australia
Australian OGTR:
Application for licence
for limited and controlled release of GMOs into the environment:
Application No. DIR 074/2007 Limited and controlled release of
GM herbicide tolerant and/or insect resistant Extra Long Staple
(ELS) Cotton (Gossypium barbadense)
Western Australia looks
to Europe for better weed control
Wheat breeder
Enterprise Grains Australia resumes search for a commercial
Australian Oilseeds Federation:
Canola and soybean crop report
New CEO announced for
Crop & Food Research New Zealand
Trial shipment of
Western Australian seed potato to help boost market interest in
Trials confirm that the
weed Paterson’s curse is resistant to herbicides
ABARE study examines
potential impact of GM canola on organic sectors in Australia
Australian scientists
develop technology that could lead to doubled crop yields
Grains go on an even
bigger ‘health kick’
sowing window for field peas in
Western Australia
Why don’t Australians
eat more vegetables?
Narrow rows widen
chance of higher cotton yields
Australian growers
unite on AWB de-merger plan
Looking for greener
pastures in Australia: A$6 million boost for pasture genetics
CLIMA researcher
develops new predictive framework to forecast bean yellow mosaic
virus and aphids in lupin crops
New Biosciences
Research Centre planned at La Trobe University
Nufarm moves to 100%
ownership of Agripec Quimica e Farmaceutica S.A.
Technologies' new manufacturing facility delivers
encapsulated inoculants to legume pastures in Western
Prime time for
sowing seeds of success
April 07
Barley gene find could
mean more beer per bushel
Australia is a step
closer to having a national durum wheat industry
Australian sunflowers
are newest addition to major U.S. seed bank
Action plan released
for ascochyta blight on chickpeas for Central Queensland
ABARE to survey
Australian vegetable growers
Three new elite
barley breeding lines from Barley Breeding Australia to be
tested in Western Australia
University of
Queensland's Centre for Native Floriculture continues to bloom
Introducing Steve
Ainsworth, Cotton Seed Distributors' new General Manager
optimising seed composition to create value added opportunities
in grains
Farmers gain new
weapon to combat wheat streak mosaic virus
Earliness in Australian cotton
First confirmed
occurrence of tobacco streak virus in mungbean crops in
Delivering health
benefits through new cereal grains - CSIRO is developing
healthier high resistant starch wheats
A$21 million boost
for Australian cereal grains research
Crop & Food Research
New Zealand seeks approval to field test brassicas modified to
resist caterpillar pests
Australian Oilseeds
Federation - Canola and and soybean crop report April 2007
OGTR: DIR 071/2006 -
Invitation to comment on a Consultation Risk Assessment and Risk
Management Plan (RARMP) for limited and controlled release of GM
drought tolerant wheat
Promising new
Victorian barley variety still undergoing commercial malting
and pilot brewing trials
Early maturing
canola variety CB Tanami is a boon for Australian canola
growers in dry areas
First case of
metsulfuron-methyl resistance in doublegee in Western
New lupin website
is a one stop shop
Inclusion of
dealings with GM Carnations on the GMO Register
March 07
Resistant wheat
weapon in Victorian cereal rust strategies
Ecos magazine debates
the impact of GM crops 10 years on
Spelt wheat - old
grain with new image
Oat information
University of Western
Australia’s Institute of Agriculture to be officially launched
Australian OGTR:
Notification of
decision to issue a licence - DIR 069/2006: Limited and
controlled release of GM herbicide tolerant canola and Indian
Robbing a seed bank
for a good cause
New cotton breeder
joins CSIRO Plant Industry's award-winning team
Turf farm field day
showcases value of agriculture in Sydney basin
Australian growers
urged to complete disc seeder survey
Cotton Seed Distributors Web on Wednesday:
Grower of the Year
New developments in
aphid management research
A$5 million to help
Australian farmers tackle climate variability
Food Standards
Australia New Zealand seeks public comment on food derived from
insect-protected corn MON 89034
Canola Association
of Australia: 2006 blackleg resistance ratings
Root focus set to
improve wheat production
Pulse Breeding
Australia, a new pulse joint venture, will deliver better
varieties faster
grains research and development alliance between Australia’s
CSIRO and New Zealand’s Crop & Food Research, showcases
future grains
Diagnostic test
for detecting wheat streak mosaic virus in bulk wheat
samples now available from AGWEST Plant Laboratories
More accurate
assessments of the environmental risks associated with the
release of disease-resistant plants
Two new superior
lentil varieties will be available to Western Australian
growers in 2008
Government to give farmers greater protection against
activists who mount economically damaging campaigns against
their products
ABARE report:
Market acceptance of GM canola
February 07
Office of the Gene Technology Regulator:
DIR 073/2007
Early-bird notification: Coming soon - Your chance to
comment on the Risk Assessment and Risk Management Plan for
proposed dealings involving limited and controlled release
of GM insect resistant and insect resistant/herbicide
tolerant cotton
University of
Western Australia ag students simply irresistible
The Biological
Farmers of Australia celebrates 20 years
Bees busted by
varroa in New Zealand but natives and other pollinators
carry on
Australian Crop Report reveals smallest summer crop in over
20 years
New oats
guide available from
Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries
Gairdner and
Baudin surpass Stirling as the most popular barley varieties
grown in Western Australia
Australian Oilseeds
Federation - Sunflower, cottonseed and soybeans crop report
February 2007
Research to lift
sorghum’s market spread in Queensland
Dry season affects
results of wheat trials in Western Australia
Delayed sowing is
a worthwhile strategy for weed management in lupin crops
Barley varieties
differ in their competitiveness against ryegrass
Western Australian
farmers urged to pasture needs for 2007
Selecting the best
seeding time is key to managing blackleg in canola
Centre for Legumes
In Mediterranean Agriculture (CLIMA) moves into phase III at the
University of Western Australia
PestFax Editor
Peter Mangano receives GRDC Seed of Light award
Rust diseases:
threats to global food security in the context of climate change
vegetables claim the centre plate
Australian Grain
Technologies introduces new wheat variety for the tough times
Australian field pea farmers losing yield to
Lucerne value
in reducing salinity
Forecast grain
sorghum yields down in Queensland and northern New South Wales
Australian Office of the Gene
Technology Regulator:
Notification of
issuing of Guidelines on Post Harvest Crops - Crops
permitted on GM brassica and GM cotton trial sites during the
post harvest monitoring period
Western Australia
announces a unique bulk seed test to detect wheat streak
mosaic virus
New lupins
adapted to the south coast of
Western Australia
DuPont achieves
milestone for Rynaxypyr insecticide
Ancient genes used
to produce salt-tolerant wheat
January 07
Soil, roots and
‘bugs’– revelations from underground
Australian OGTR:
Amendments to the
Gene Technology Regulations 2001 - Gene Technology Amendment
Regulations 2006 (commencement date 31 March 2007, subject to
Celebrating ten
years of local R&D
Dr. John Thompson,
Australia’s leading authority on long fallow disorder in cereal
cropping soils, awarded public service medal
Spaced out grain
Australian OGTR:
Application No. DIR
069/2006 - Limited and controlled release of GM herbicide
tolerant hybrid canola and Indian mustard
No identity crisis
with GM canola, says ABARE report
APEC forum
discusses agricultural biotechnology
markers make their mark in plant breeding
Computer model
to slow glyphosate resistance
New Zealand
Crown Research Institutes Scion and AgResearch join forces
with leading US enzyme discovery company Diversa Corporation to develop New Zealand biofuels industry
Expanded lab
gives Australian plant breeders a quality edge
Australian Oilseeds
Federation - Canola, sunflower and soybeans crop report
Crossing wheat with
wild relatives to introduce salt and waterlogging tolerance
New website offers
information and resources about weed management techniques to
minimise the risk of developing glyphosate resistance
2006 Australian
National Variety Trial results now online
Adam Kay, CEO of
Cotton Australia discusses changes to the industry over the last
10 years
Grout, a large
seeded barley variety, shows its dry season mettle
Report from the
13th Conference of the Australian Society of Agronomy
New University of
Queensland school focuses on future of land, crop and food
For earlier releases,
please use the keyword
search function