July 09
Stem borer found in
soybean fields across Missouri
University of
Missouri receives $250,000 USDA grant to investigate growing
biofuel crops while supporting wildlife
May 09
plants' overactive immune system will help University of
Missouri researchers build better plants
April 09
Researchers make a
model crop plant herbicide-resistant by making a slight change
in the sequence of the plant's own DNA rather than adding
foreign DNA
January 09
New National
Science Foundation grant focuses on resistance genes in soybean
December 08
With $1.1
million grant from the United Soybean Board, University of
Missouri researchers will construct comprehensive database of
all proteins and metabolites in soybeans - Database will help
breeders engineer better performing plants
Strong hybrid
emergence, stalk shredding improve yields in continuous, no-till
corn - Pioneer Hi-Bred and University of Missouri share initial
research results
Tool helps
identify gene function in soybeans, could lead to better crop
performance, say University of Missouri researchers
October 08
Female plant
'communicates' rejection or acceptance of male - University of
Missouri researcher identifies pollen proteins that provide
insight into the fertilization process
May 08
Alfalfa weevil
infestation likely in Missouri
March 08
Higher price of
glyphosate herbicide makes pre-emergence chemicals cost
competitive, says University of Missouri Extension specialist
University of
Missouri researcher discovers pathway plants use to fight back
against pathogens, determines what happens between sensing the
threat and activating a defense
Short soybean seed
supply increases need for good planting practices to avoid
FAPRI repor -
Agricultural outlook presented to U.S. Congress shows grain
prices high, net farm income strong
September 07
Tiny tomato
beats out the beefier entries in taste contest at University of
Missouri Tomato Festival
New research
shows NutriDense silage improves feed efficiency
August 07
Weed scientist
uses Weed.Cam, with cell phone, to monitor research plot at
University of Missouri experiment station
May 07
Researchers attach
genes to minichromosomes in maize - Technique may lead to
resistant crop development, medically important proteins and
December 06
Numbers of stink bugs
growing in Missouri soybean fields
Proactive management
worth higher upfront cost to protect against glyphosate-resistant weeds
October 06
Genome Mapping Facility
opens at the University of Missouri-Columbia
September 06
Unexplained soybean
yield losses? Soybean cyst nematode could be the culprit, says
University of Missouri researcher
Discolored soybean
July 06
Ethanol shifts crop acres
to corn, away from soybeans, in U.S. Corn Belt states
Missouri confirms world's
ninth glyphosate-resistant weed
June 06
Price sags for Missouri's
soft red wheat
Cutting fertilizer cost...
Color of corn leaf shows needed nitrogen for crop; scientists find leaf
meter more accurate than soil test
May 06
University of Missouri's
Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute says futures corn prices
offer early market
March 06
Missouri Agricultural
Experiment Station releases two soybean cyst nematode resistant soybeans
Soybean cyst nematode
resistant soybeans can offer false sense of security to producers
February 06
New clues in the plant
mating mystery: Missouri University researchers discover molecular
details for maintenance of genetic fitness
December 05
Lessons learned in
Georgia soybean fields arm Missouri producers against rust
Food and Agricultural
Policy Research Institute analyzes global effects of recent U.S.
proposal for WTO agriculture negotiations
October 05
Discolored soybean seed
September 05
Waterhemp 'potentially
resistant' to herbicide found in northwest Missouri soybean fields
Fuel costs boost
harvesting costs 20 percent for U.S. farmers
August 05
Channeling grain
from corn hybrids with some biotech traits
Ethanol mandate in new energy bill boosts corn price, causes ripple
effect to other crop and livestock producers
University of Missouri
variety trials return rice to northern Missouri
Delay grazing drought soybeans, say University of Missouri specialists:
even small bean yield worth more than value of forage
Single spore resembling soybean rust spore trapped in Missouri
July 05
Beneficial insects are eating soybean aphids in University of Missouri
research plots
Drought cuts corn yields, University of Missouri researchers report;
blooming soybean plants can recover - with rains
First soybean aphids found
in Missouri fields; migration expected to increase third week of July
June 05
University of Missouri
soybeans growing in Vietnam help breeder at Delta Center find rust
December 04
University of Missouri
weed scientist confirms first known case of a glyphosate-resistant
National Soybean
Biotech Center at the University of Missouri to host meeting to
coordinate soybean research
October 04
U.S. National Center for
Soybean Biotechnology launched
September 04
Breakthrough research
helps identify chromosomes in corn: University of Missouri researchers
transfer chromosome painting used in humans to plant research
August 04
An unusual year
for soybean diseases
AgBioForum Volume
6 Number 4
- Medium Grains, High Stakes: Economics of Genetically Modified
Rice in California
- Labeling Genetically Modifed Food: The Consumer's Right to
- Cost Implications of Alternative GM Tolerance Levels:
Non-Genetically Modified Wheat in Western Canada
- Awareness and Acceptance of Biotechnology Issues among Youth,
Undergraduates, and Adults
- Expertise, Trust, and Communication about Food Biotechnology
- Attitudes about Genetically Modified Foods among Korean and
American College Students