August 09
Scottish Crop
Research Institute chief comments on UK food consultation
UK’s biggest
potato industry field event set to grow
April 09
New potato
improvement project launched in Kenya
August 07
New Scottich Crop
Research Institute website launched
July 07
Scottish Crop
Research Institute to study methods for GMO safety assessment
August 06
Scottish Crop
Research Institute releases new potato varieties
September 05
Scottish Crop Research
Institute and Dundee University receive E.U. grant to investigate
natural resistance of several important crop plants
July 05
Whisky fans can drink to
crop research
May 05
Barley research
at the Scottish Crop Research Institute
massive boost
Scottish Crop Research
Institute produces potato plants with increased carotenoid content
March 05
Professor John R Hillman
retires as Director of the Scottish Crop Research Institute
February 05
testing streamlined for rubus, ribes and fragaria
November 04
Scottish Crop Research Institute
scientists boost
potato carotenoid levels almost 6 fold
October 04
Professor Peter Gregory
announced as new director for Scottish Crop Research Institute
September 04
Light at the end
of the tunnel for blackleg disease of potato
January 99
Technologies and SCRI establish plant virus research collaboration and cross-licensing