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The UK's Advisory Committee on Releases to the Environment (ACRE)
Feburary 09

Advice on a notification for marketing of insect resistant and herbicide tolerant GM maize

May 07

Managing the Footprint of Agriculture: Towards a Comparative Assessment of Risks and Benefits for Novel Agricultural Systems - Report of the ACRE Sub-Group on Wider Issues raised by the Farm-Scale Evaluations of Herbicide Tolerant GM Crops

February 07

UK's Advisory Committee on Releases to the Environment publishes advice on the implications of a Defra-funded desk study: ‘RNA-mediated gene silencing mechanisms and their implications for the risk assessment of GM plants’

November 06

Further advice on a notification for marketing of potato clone EH92-527-1 modified for enhanced content of the amylopectin component of starch - BASF Plant Science. Ref C/SE/96/3501 [PDF] (60 KB)

Advice on an application for a five year programme of work to release potato lines genetically modified for resistance to Phytophthora infestans - ref 06/R42/01 [PDF] (80 KB)

May 06

General advice on notifications for import and marketing of GM maize grain [PDF] (60 KB)

April 06

Advice on an application to release GM Salmonella typhi for the purpose of a human clinical trial to test the effectiveness of a vaccine against Hepatitis B - ref 06/R40/01 [PDF] (80 KB)

March 06

Further advice on a notification for marketing of hybrid maize (NK603 X MON810) - Monsanto Europe S.A. - Ref C/GB/02/M3/3 [PDF] (60 KB)

February 06

Advice on the implications of findings in a Defra-funded desk study: ‘Technologies for biological containment of GM and non-GM crops’ [PDF] (50 KB)

December 05

Advice on the implications of results in a Defra-funded project: ‘non-target effects of transgenic crop plants resistant to virus diseases' [PDF] (40 KB) (please see the report on Defra's science pages)

November 05

Further advice on a notification for import and processing in the European community of Ms8, Rf3 and Ms8xRf3 oilseed rape and any progeny derived from these lines by conventionally breeding. Ref C/BE/96/01 [PDF] (100 KB)

September 05

Further advice on a notification for marketing of maize genetically modified for insect resistance, lines MON 863 and MON 863 x MON 810) - Monsanto. Ref C/DE/02/09 [PDF] (70 KB)

July 05

Advice on the implications of the farm-scale evaluations of genetically modified herbicide-tolerant winter oilseed rape [PDF] (140 KB)

May 05

ACRE's advice on the research paper on the Management of Genetically Modified Herbicide-Tolerant Sugar Beet for Spring and Autumn Environmental Benefit by May et al. (2005) [PDF] (140 KB)

Advice on the results of a scientific study which investigated the botanical and rotational implications of genetically-modified herbicide tolerance in oilseed rape and sugar beet crops (the "BRIGHT" project) [PDF] (180 KB)

April 05

Advice on a notification for marketing of carnation "Florigene Moonlite" ref C/NL/04/02 [PDF] (110 KB)

March 05

Further advice on a notification for marketing of insect resistant cotton - ref C/NL/04/01 [PDF] (65 KB)

February 05

Advice on the status of the products of protoplast fusion under Directive 2001/18/EC [PDF] (65 KB)

January 05

Further advice on a notification for marketing of potato clone EH92-527-1 modified for enhanced content of the amylopectin component of starch - BASF Plant Science. Ref C/SE/96/3501 [PDF] (70 KB)

June 04

Response of ACRE to the report of the British House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee: GM Foods – Evaluating the Farm Scale Trials

March 04

ACRE advice on a notification for marketing of hybrid maize (NK603 X MON810) - Monsanto Europe S.A. - Ref C/GB/02/M3/3

January 04

Minutes of the January 22 meeting of the The UK's Advisory Committee on Releases to the Environment (ACRE)

Decembre 02
ACRE's response to concerns raised in written representations and submissions associated with the CHARDON LL public hearing and to statements made at ACRE's open hearing relating to the safety assessment of T25 GM maize conducted under Directive 90/220/EEC

October 02
A Response to Concerns about the Presence of GM Oilseed Rape Pollen in Honey

September 02
ACRE Advice: A Report on a Paper Concerning the Potential for Transgenic Weed Beets to Arise as a Consequence of Gene Transfer with Genetically Modified Sugar Beet

August 02
ACRE advice on unexpected transformation events in GM oilseed rape sown under release consents 00/R14/18, 98/R19/18 and 00/R3/9 (following letter from Aventis on analysis of GM oilseed rape) - see also this News Release, 15 August 2002 and News Item and subsequent News Release, 30 August 2002: "Purity of seed confirmed for last round of GM crop trials" and associated news story

July 02
Advice: Consideration of a Report Concerning the Implications of 'Gene Stacking' of Herbicide Tolerance Genes in Oil Seed Rape

June 02
Advice: A Report on a Paper Concerning the Diversity of Bacterial Communities Associated with Conventional and Genetically Modified Herbicide Tolerant Oilseed Rape

March 02
Report on an article concerning gene flow from genetically modified maize to native (landraces) in Mexico

January 02
A Report on Six Papers Concerning the Effect of Genetically Modified Bt Maize on Monarch Butterflies

May 01
Advice for the National Assembly for Wales - Cross-Pollination in Relation to Farm Scale Evaluations of Genetically Modified Maize in Wales

September 00
A Report on a Paper Concerning the Effect of Genetically Modified Bt Maize on Monarch Butterflies

September 00
Advice on Notification of Locations of Gm Crop Releases

August 00
GM Oil Seed Rape and Cross-Pollination with Adjacent Crops

July 00
Horizontal Gene Transfer: Genetically Modified Crops and Soil Bacteria

February 00
Insecticidal Toxin in Root Exudates from Bt Corn

June 99
Advice on a Study Concerning the Effect of Pollen from Genetically Modified Bt Maize on Monarch Butterflies

March 99
Adverse Effects on Ladybirds Feeding on Aphids Colonising Genetically Modified Potatoes Which Express the Snowdrop Lectin for Aphid Resistance

March 99
A Report on the Dispersal of Maize Pollen Compiled by the National Pollen Research Unit and Commissioned by The Soil Association

January 99
Review of the Marketing Applications from Plant Genetic Systems for an Oilseed Rape Genetically Modified for Herbicide Tolerance: Report by Professor Alan Gray

August 98
Michael Meacher calls for more research on lacewings and GM Maize
Significance of new research on effect of Bt toxin on lacewings

June 98
Genetically modified maize in national list trials adjacent to an organic farm in Devon


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